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    HELP!! White powder, pollen or mold??

    yeah im just experimenting to see how it turns out.
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    HELP!! White powder, pollen or mold??

    its my first grow and i really was just curious as to what was going on with the plant. i understand male plants wont produce anything, as to why i just threw out that plant.
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    HELP!! White powder, pollen or mold??

    what should i wipe them down with?
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    HELP!! White powder, pollen or mold??

    lol thanks Nice Ol Bud, so any suggestions? mold or pollen?
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    HELP!! White powder, pollen or mold??

    so its both pollen and mold? and if its mold, what can i do about it?
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    HELP!! White powder, pollen or mold??

    i have a plant that seems to be flowering. when i went to move the plant, this white powder came out of the buds and landed on the leaves. is it mold or pollen? pics included.
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    4 three month old plants growing extremely sloooooooow. HELP!! {PICS}

    65 at all times, but it is a bit chilly. could that be another factor?
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    4 three month old plants growing extremely sloooooooow. HELP!! {PICS}

    how do i change the soil? without damaging the roots?
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    4 three month old plants growing extremely sloooooooow. HELP!! {PICS}

    so if flourescent lighting isnt my problem, what is?
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    4 three month old plants growing extremely sloooooooow. HELP!! {PICS}

    im using florencent lights, about 2 mini tubes per plant.
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    4 three month old plants growing extremely sloooooooow. HELP!! {PICS}

    Im growing 4 plants since the end of February and they are growing extremely slow, but they are growing. I have pictures of the plants, 3 are regs, and one is white widow. One of the regs is starting to grow kind of funny though, branchs are very far apart. so if someone could give me some...
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    leaves are starting to curl up, only on bottom, PICS!!!

    Hey Guys, So Ive been taking really good care of my plants and they are growing really slow. But the reason im writing this thread is because my white widow leaves are starting to curl under a little bit. Can anyone tell me why this is happening, if it can kill the plant, and what i should do to...
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    4 week plants, stem seemed to stop growing. HELP!!

    @dannyboy602 thanks for the advice! Just over night my plants are looking better with more light!!
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    4 week plants, stem seemed to stop growing. HELP!!

    The lights are about 3 inchs away from the plants. there is already some perilite pre-mixed into the soil. Should I put more in?
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    4 week plants, stem seemed to stop growing. HELP!!

    hello all, I'm a first time grower and im growing 5 plants, 1 White Widow and 4 Reg plants, that are 4 weeks old. They look healthy, beautiful green leaves, but it seems that at the 4 week stage they should be a lot fuller. 2nd of all, my stems dont seem to be growing at all and the leaves are...