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  1. E

    what the f... is going on??

    no there are no bugs, what it can be?
  2. E

    what the f... is going on??

    The plant is flowering and till now it looks good, but did you see now all the light pots on the leaf... What am I doing wrong??? :wall:
  3. E

    help, what the fuck is going on??

    no it is not bugs... what it can be???
  4. E

    help, what the fuck is going on??

    did u see all the light pots on the leaf??? what am I doing wrong now..? too hot or not enough O2....:sad:
  5. E

    help, what the fuck is going on??

    i solve the problem as i said by feeding it well. But i have other problem now what am i doing wrong :-(
  6. E

    help, what the fuck is going on??

    thanks all, I feed them well and add some more light and they look like they will become normal :weed:
  7. E

    help, what the fuck is going on??

    no I do not have a soil tester, but the soil i sue is between 5.5 and 6.5ph :confused::confused::confused:
  8. E

    help, what the fuck is going on??

    its not the heat I think. in the room is max 30 degrease and i water them in two or three days so I don`t think it is underwatering too. The other plants are ok except this one and one more. if you have any suggestions please...
  9. E

    help, what the fuck is going on??

    hi guys, i`m growing now with fluro tubes for my veg, and till now everything looks good, but one of my plant become bad looking. can you help me finding the problem. If you can pleaseee:sad:
  10. E

    Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

    hi guys, I am a friend of Mr. Cheatah and due to his agreement i`m writting in his post. I am using i can say the same lumen light as his for veg, same temp can say.... but one of my plants not growing well as you can see in the pic I have uploaded. If you can help with finding the problem...