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  1. B

    1st hydro grow Dinafem Roadrunner (auto)

    good lookin bruh. i got ten girls just starting out and can find sh!t for info. appreciated:mrgreen:
  2. B

    Trimming, Not Topping, Autoflowering Strains

    thats funny because my homies has. they can yeild anything from half gram dried to half ounce dried. Ive bought some ha
  3. B

    Giant autoflower

    how tall is it and wht day recently. i got a dam flash babylon auto.....thank it was a freebie from the tude.... anyway this sob is about 3' at day like 30 or 35. idk wtf is goin on first thought she was a boy.....nope hairs coming next thought was its taking after its mother...
  4. B

    Autoflower not so autoflowery lol

    yeah bout a week or two after showing pistils. bec my 400w is mh and is a veg room. so i moved it to its own personal 150hps in its own room to avoid being pollinated and so it could bud a soon as possible to max the yield.
  5. B

    Autoflower not so autoflowery lol

    First off I apologize for the terrible photos. Cheap phone. I have a Low Girl auto flower from advanced seeds through the "tude". After about thirty days after sprouting it was probably 7 or 8 inches tall in soil. So I know is was terribly stunted. Freaking out, I took it out (still in its...