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  1. deesvee


    I've got to say in my experience i loved the Scott's OG i've got one going right now and it has always been the pinnacle of og funk when i've harvested. Testing some Lee Roy's right now too. i had a buddy grow some 501st and his hermed pretty hard but he's not the best grower.
  2. deesvee

    I've got a BUG PROBLEM

    so i have strange red and green grasshopper looking bugs on my dig dugs (calio x bogglegum) has anyone seen these before and are they harmful?
  3. deesvee

    switching shit up

    yah theres pistils and preflowers on them
  4. deesvee

    switching shit up

    i'm using the super cube 2.0 it has a built in air cooled sodium bulb with a super ponics system and i have oxygen stones bubbling the roots. in the pictures theres a purple kush and 2 space dogs neither of which i've grown before. there all indica dominant though recently i had to shop down the...
  5. deesvee

    going to the grow store

    been thinking about switching to soil i have black gold at my house but i've been hearing good things about cannacocoa line but to be safe i wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions?
  6. deesvee

    switching shit up

    so i'm growing some plants in hydro using the technaflora recipe for success. i'm 3 weeks into budding but i am still yet to see crystal development or bud growth. i wanted to know if maybe i didn't put it into budding right seeing as all i did was change the like schedule to a 12/12. also if...
  7. deesvee

    first hydro opp

    thanks to be honest i'm shocked there doing as well as they are haha
  8. deesvee

    so i had this idea for a space saving high yield low stress grow

    if that the case the nugs can be tied to back to the frame
  9. deesvee

    so i had this idea for a space saving high yield low stress grow

    will do haha i'm really excited for the grow i was able to get my hands on some old school haze x skunk#1 if you wanna see how my first opp is going check out my link
  10. deesvee

    so i had this idea for a space saving high yield low stress grow

    yah i saw that thread it was a bit of an inspiration to me i'm planning on starting my test grow with this technique after i harvest my first yield
  11. deesvee

    so i had this idea for a space saving high yield low stress grow

    ha thanks your grow seems to be at a good start what are you using for reflection? you should check out how my first hydro opp is going
  12. deesvee

    so i had this idea for a space saving high yield low stress grow

    the gray parts on my diagram are metal like a tomatoe stand and the plants are tied to it
  13. deesvee

    so i had this idea for a space saving high yield low stress grow

    i dont think so srog is when you drop a screen or a net over it to stunt upward growth this allows maximum veg and no netting or screens. this is more related lst like this but more stretched out
  14. deesvee

    so i had this idea for a space saving high yield low stress grow

    so what you need to do is build a custom tomatoe stand that funnels out as it goes allowing for maximum light coverage and space conservation side not i'd recommend lollipopping please let me know what you think
  15. deesvee

    first hydro opp

    my bad been super busy lately i'm using a supercube made by super closet i've got some pictures of my plants now a week into budding been using the technaflora recipe for success: bc boost bc boom awesome blossom magical thrive alive b-1 and sugar daddy and i've been supplementing them with...
  16. deesvee

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    do you know if it's possible to reveg a hydro plant all the pics i've seen are of soil revegs
  17. deesvee

    first hydro opp

    i'm doing my first hydro opp from seed so as you can imagine i'm pretty lost. I'm using the technaflora line of chemicals and i was wondering if since i'm growing from a seed should i just use a vegetative formula or would i use the transplant formula?