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  1. C

    Gorilla Bubble from Tonygreens Tortured Beans

    Thanx checking it out now!!
  2. C

    Gorilla Bubble from Tonygreens Tortured Beans

    any timeline on when some of your beans will be available? I've been reading through this forum and I have to say that sour bubble has me interested...where do i sign?
  3. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    I figured it wouldn't be too difficult Im not stumped or anything. I started growing and continually got better and went bigger I've tried ,different growing styles, strains and nutes. I learned that there's more than one way to skin a cat, it depends on the tools you have available and the size...
  4. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    well any roots leave the grow zone will dry out and die so I dont think that will work but I like the way you're thinking. Problem solver mentality.
  5. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Pretty nice setup man, your using one heel ova pump! how's that min split working out? I had a 12x24 and ended up using a 5 ton unit because I didn't think a mini split would quite get it, but I was also doing more 6,000 more wats. I think your plant layout per light was a pretty well calculated...
  6. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Id hope your right but putting in o2 anyway. I don't need anyone to take me by the hand but if someone has experience doing something I've never done they can chime in to say hey watch out for this like someone gave a helpful hint about humidity that saves me the headache of after the fact kind...
  7. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Correct 210,000, I have a few 02 sensors from my tunneling days. I appreciate the useful advice! Yea I'll have to get a bigger dehumidifier for sure. Im using soaker lines so I can put them in a little deeper, great idea. thanx alot.
  8. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Hey thanx for the review....
  9. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Yea, I used air babblers in my res before I have a few, going soil because I like the results of finished product better. I dont want to constantly fiddle with ec and ph changes or worry about salt buildup and 50 gallons a day was just driving me nuts nutes get costly... I know I'll produce...
  10. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    I don't think they will exhale nearly enough for their own Root zone and for the gardener to breath. I'm going to maintain around 20% oxygen or 210 ppm at all times. keep in mind if the plants do keep the room at that level then I wont have to refill my tank because it will only supplement below...
  11. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    I am manually adding 02 with oxygen tanks and regs,the same way I have done c02. I have never done it but I think it will be practically the same. I think your definitely right about where I posted this. Getting adequate oxygen to the root zone has really been on my mind and you make a great...
  12. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Well, not yet I didn't but that is the goal.
  13. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    I posted my resume to give an idea of my experience level, so that I didn't get silly replies like "For basic co2 supplementation info please check the newbie central area". A sealed Room is totally different then a fresh air exchanged room. A under ground room with geo thermal heating...
  14. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    I do have environmental controllers, in that Room I used cap 4. How did the controllers limit the the swings? Bringing in little amounts at a time? If that's the case how did you exhaust and intake the amount of cfm that room calls for? This room is insulated by the earth It's a walipini and...
  15. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    I am reconditioning the air. Pest control is a plus but not the main reason. The main reason is to have a constant stable environment. In my experience bringing air from the out side can make massive temp spikes and drops as well as RH and intern causes issues. My last room was 12 x 24 and the...
  16. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    I never lied about anything bud, My setup is far from a piece of shit, take another hit dude.
  17. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    My question is about the pros and cons. I want to hear about peoples experiences with this method. What they noticed what they learned in hindsight ect.. Im not asking how to. I have the how to covered. Im only looking to hear from folks who have EXPERIENCE with this method, and their insights...
  18. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Why are you people worried about my cooling? I can effectively cool 14 1000watt lights, I will have no problem cooling anything. I have Dehumidifying under control. I have adequate air movement. I have adequate c02. I asked nothing about those things and you are assuming. I think you are more...
  19. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Dude the room has no air leaks in or out. AKA SEALED. NO air is entering NO air is exiting.
  20. C

    Closed loop pro's con's from EXPERIENCED growers only!

    Take a gander into my last room. I have o2 and c02 tanks and regs. I have the cooling capacity, never asked for help on that, Im running a/c as well as cold sink and geothermal heating cooling. What lights do I have to cool? The sun is my light. This is a wallipini. There is no "Dead air". I am...