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  1. J

    Help with Mylar

    Thanks man figured it was a joke just didn't think you understood what I was saying I'm thinking of going with panda film anyway you can get it pretty cheap from eBay
  2. J

    Help with Mylar

    so my question about the pictures I posted still haven't been answered haha I was asking if the material that I have posted in pictures would work for mylar not if I should paint my walls or use mylar I guess you to didn't accually read the op haha any way guys what do you think of this...
  3. J

    Help with Mylar

    So I want some help I want to know if this would work for wall covering it says fire retardant on the back one photo with flash one without both taken from iPhone let me know what you think
  4. J

    Looking for some help with plans

    Update with picture what do you guys think? Any ideas would be great Sorry for bad drawing and writing lol
  5. J

    Looking for some help with plans

    Yeah I'm thinking of making a divider with a few layers of panda film near the 4 ft tall end and making it my clone/ veg area putting a few fluorescents in there to take care of the mother and clones/up to 1 week veg then to the flower area... Do you think 2 1000 watt is really needed do you...
  6. J

    Looking for some help with plans

    Hey guys I'm starting to plan a perpetual sog grow (three week) the room is 9' by 6' ( base plan in picture) I was just looking for ideas of how to use this space how big for clone/veg area ect... Thanks heaps for your time
  7. J

    Pineapple Express...

    I have been doing some research and I know I'm new to this community... So you don't have to beleave me but attitude seedbank has it there's the link and as far as I know...
  8. J

    closet grow what you think?

    i was gonna use only one cupboard but u gave me a good idea... two cupboards each one 6 foot or abit higher in height and about 1 meter by 2meters side and front... and join them toghther for one huge cupboard?? sound good??
  9. J

    closet grow what you think?

    ok then mate iwill thanks for the idea
  10. J

    closet grow what you think?

    thanks mate and yeah but i will just do it here i just hopeing i get some more ideas im starting to make it soon iwill take pics and upload here as i go :D:D
  11. J

    closet grow what you think?

    sodo u think mylar is better than white plastic with black on the other side???? thanks for your time
  12. J

    closet grow what you think?

    im setting up a grow cupboard.. it is going to be a double door cupboard im going to make both sides light proof and a devider in betwine both doors.. im going to have white plastic sheeting covering all walls floor and ground its going to have in one side a MH 1000W and in the other side an...
  13. J

    grow tent question

    what do people think about this setup??? thank you for your time Setup includes the following: 1 x Grow Tent 1m x 1m x 1.8m $199.00 1 x Cool Tube 150mm x 400mm $79.00 1 x 600watt JB ballast $105.00 1 x 600watt Philips son-T globe $75.00 1 x 150mm Spectrum Inline Fan 127L/per.sec $89.00 1 x...
  14. J

    fridge setup help

    thanks for the good idea mate...:D any other ideas people :):):) im so stond right now :blsmoke:
  15. J

    My Grow Cabinet.

    i think it will look good cant wait for more pics :):):)
  16. J

    fridge setup help

    and good idea hothousemary i got a good drill i will just av a look at my local hardware store for a hole saw set :):) any other ideas people??
  17. J

    fridge setup help

    dont have a plasma cuter nor do i know anyone with one but thanks for the idea mate....
  18. J

    The Sneekiest growbox EVER!

    i cant see the point in even waisting your time with something so small why dont you make something bigger and get odor control??? i wouldnt bother whats the point in geting caurt for something that small off your parents???:twisted: mose well make it worth wile.. true?? ...peace out
  19. J

    fridge setup help

    i have copied a plan off a site but i cant think of a way to cut a hole in the fridge for a fan ect??:cry::cry: can anyone please help me?? thank you in advance for your time :)