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  1. rosetastoned

    Just needed to post this somewhere it would be appreciated..

    Thank closet, knuc and 420. I do appreciate the replies back. I will definitely be growing some espcially for him. My dad was cremated so his ashes will be here with me. Even after death him and I will still get high :) It may seem weird but I was thinking of maybe putting a little of his ashes...
  2. rosetastoned

    Just needed to post this somewhere it would be appreciated..

    So my dad was my best friend ever! We smoked together all the time. At the age of 58 he decided to try and grow pot for the first time. After a few failed attempts he finally had it. He had one plant, her name was Louise. He treated that thing like his baby!!! He even sent me a pic of the plant...
  3. rosetastoned

    What should I do?

    I'm in my first week of flowering. What should I do with the shade leaves, should I remove them or leave them on? I'm concerned about the middle of the plant not getting enough light. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. rosetastoned

    first time grow

    Im a first time grower, i would like to know what do you do as the plant grows the first 2 or 3 sets of leaves? I noticed some leaves next to the stalk -innernodes? Should i pinchthe leaves or let them grow?
  5. rosetastoned

    grow room set up

    Thanks for the info!
  6. rosetastoned

    grow room set up

    This is my first grow. I plan on purchasing a t5 light. It's an 8 light quantum badboy. It's 2ft x 4ft. I'm just wondering if a 4 x 4ft room would be too big? Should I make it 2 x 4ft? Any help would be great. Thanks!