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  1. mwbrown01

    Flowering Question

    Will cutting a branch off half way through the flowering process to test the goods be bad for the plant?
  2. mwbrown01

    Monster first grow.

    Do you think it would be OK to tie this plant down? It has started flowering but it has passed the 7' mark and its getting hard to keep this monster hidden.
  3. mwbrown01

    first grow - flowering now

    I would say 3 4 weeks. It all depends on the strain.
  4. mwbrown01

    first grow - flowering now

    If you put them in the ground, they could have been 2 to 3 times bigger, but I guess not everyone has the room to do it. Nice grow though.
  5. mwbrown01

    first grow - flowering now

    Nice!! Could you not put them directly in the ground??
  6. mwbrown01

    Monster first grow.

    Any thoughts on what this plant should yield?
  7. mwbrown01

    1st Outdoor grow

    Updated picture
  8. mwbrown01

    June 10th in MA-Am I in good shape???

    Unfortunately I live in New England, but I am optimistic. Thnx
  9. mwbrown01

    June 10th in MA-Am I in good shape???

    She just showed sex. At about 6' now.
  10. mwbrown01

    1st Outdoor grow

    Just confirmed, it's a she, and now over 6'.
  11. mwbrown01

    The Window

    I did this in the begining of my grow. I moved it from one side of the house to the other every day. It grew stretched and skinny. Not untill I moved it outside under the sun when the temps were ok did it really gro. Its now about 5' tall. Good luck with your experiment.
  12. mwbrown01

    1st Outdoor grow

    Thanks Tag
  13. mwbrown01

    1st Outdoor grow

    i HOPE SO.
  14. mwbrown01

    1st Outdoor grow

    Yes, but why do you presume? Curious.
  15. mwbrown01

    1st Outdoor grow

    Thanks Chewwy. Me too.
  16. mwbrown01

    1st Outdoor grow

    So this is my first grow ever. Started about 8 seeds inside next to a window in April, but only 1 sprouted. It stated getting verry streched with not enough light coming through the window. I transplanted to a bigger pot and burried a little deeper eventually bringing it outside when it...
  17. mwbrown01

    Flowering Question

    Could yours be an auto flowering strain?
  18. mwbrown01

    Flowering Question

    If my area doesn't go to 12/12 untill mid September and the temps in October dip into the 50's F, do you think I will be OK?
  19. mwbrown01

    I started force flowering my 3 plants today!!!!!!

    How are you force flowering outside??
  20. mwbrown01

    June 10th in MA-Am I in good shape???

    About 7 or 8 wks, not sure. I had alot of slow growing in the beginning. I had it in a window at first so it didn't get alot of sun. As soon as i moved it outside a few weeks ago it took off.