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  1. barbazul

    Can a lower wattage CFL generate more light than a higher one?

    ehehehe HSA although i already knew all that i must say you were very gentle and somehow what i can call a friend. Your reply has very important basic information that most noob growers should consider. I've been studying a lot about about CFL's and how to use them correctly to produce the best...
  2. barbazul

    Can a lower wattage CFL generate more light than a higher one?

    @crazyhazey im using these for side lighting!
  3. barbazul

    Can a lower wattage CFL generate more light than a higher one?

    btw thanks for the replies people!
  4. barbazul

    Can a lower wattage CFL generate more light than a higher one?

    Sorry i didnt explain it good enough. Both are 2700k and both are CFL's. they are also of the same age and have been used the same. What do u mean energy saver? arent all CFLs energy savers?
  5. barbazul

    Can a lower wattage CFL generate more light than a higher one?

    Hi guys I ask this because i have some common 18W CFLs and they seem to generate LESS light than a 11W i have here. The difference is visible, because one of these 18W isnt enough to light my kitchen, but then the 11W i have is.
  6. barbazul

    BUDS are looking frosty, but when will they fatten up? *pics*

    I'd hit that AK with that bat! just because I cant smoke it"
  7. barbazul

    Kief -=- Hash

    I've been a stranger since this thing was hacked. thats so fucked up
  8. barbazul

    Kief -=- Hash

    Look y'all, i come from a country where hash is abundant, many people havent tried weed here and smoke hash for years! now, i must unfortunately say that you are all mistaken. Hash isnt half as pure as you think it is. the fact is that not even the trichomes are pure thc. I think u mean pure...
  9. barbazul

    ye i joined the chat just to ask, and then there was a headline on the forum news saying the...

    ye i joined the chat just to ask, and then there was a headline on the forum news saying the forum was hacked. man my mail is [email protected], hows the AKR?
  10. barbazul

    the forum has been hacked. the last months of posts and stuff is all gone. hows your CC doing man?

    the forum has been hacked. the last months of posts and stuff is all gone. hows your CC doing man?
  11. barbazul

    Stoner Metal (Sabbath fans check it out!) Sorry but I think we are missing a VERY important piece of the world, and since no one has the BALLZ to link this, I will (just kidding about the balls)
  12. barbazul

    Anyone with PTSD or Anxiety?

    Guys, I see some major health issues down here. All human beings suffer from anxiety at some point of their lives. It's kinda born with us, and then something happens and it wakes up inside you. I could be talking about anxiety, paranoia, depression, agression for hours. As we say where I live...
  13. barbazul


  14. barbazul

    Low Budget Royal Dwarf Grow

    hey all, ive been reading a lot of good information on forums like this and found this one so nice that i joined it. In fact this is my second post ever. i also think what the plants really needed at the beggining was N, as fert (but i guess those dwarves are full of ferts) or just changing...
  15. barbazul

    Germination Guide

    When seeds are involved in water, whether it is a paper towel or a space shuttle, they deteriorate since they are biodegradable. The reason why seeds become darker is because they are deteriorating. When you are tying to germinate a seed thats taking too long, keep an eye on it and when it turns...