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  1. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    Okay guys, day 9. Last night i had put it in a different pot cause the original one i had it in i could see the roots touching the bottom of the container
  2. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    Okay guys this is my plant on day 8
  3. Mister807

    NZ Growers

    You gotta look for the tricoms.. when they start lookin mily or amber its good to harvest
  4. Mister807

    When Should I Plant Outside??? Central Cali?

    Well dude im in the same problem you are.. right now my plants are only a couple inches tall, barley has 4 leafs. Eventually i think it will be good to plant them later when its gets a little warmer
  5. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    Alright i needs some info... my plant at the moment still isnt standing straight up... im kind of worried
  6. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    I got it from one of my friends.. but yeah when it starts to get dark outside i bring it in cause of the cold and give it about 4 or 5 more hours of light.. It gets dark around 530 here
  7. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    Thanks alot and will do!
  8. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    Yeah its kinda cool to see the progress of it everyday i think... and thanks for the follow :D
  9. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    Yeah im pretty excited... Im really supprised how fast it is growing.. i have another one that i just planted today.. but yeah its gonna be good.. But im taking pics everyday so i can look at them and see what kind of progress they have made yah know
  10. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    This is my bannan og plant on day 7
  11. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    Yeah its is .. but its lookin pretty good
  12. Mister807

    My Bannana Og Plant

    I am currently growing a bannana og plant in my back yard :leaf: It has been germinating for 5 days now, i just finally put it in soil yesterday. Its growing pretty fast for just planting, it already is growing the first leaf. If there are any tips out there that somone would like to give, i...