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  1. M

    47x47 grow tent Max out

    If il be using a 600w is exausting in my bedroom gona b a problem don't think I can exhaust out my window and I definitely can't put holes in the wall I can get sum what fresh air in but out is another road block for me please advice
  2. M

    47x47 grow tent Max out

    sorry disregard typos I am using my phone any whooo so those r the autos I have selected. il more then likely do a majority of 1 and throw 1 or 2 of another auto to switch it up so i pretty much got tht down i think (im OPEN TO SUGGESTION & GESTURE BTW) as for regular size im stuck see I'm...
  3. M

    47x47 grow tent Max out

    thanks buddy I need all the insight as for autos I am a beginner so I will be using them as a learning curve and the quicker harvest of course. I will be trying reg size ladies eventually but I feel you cant go wrong with autos. however I would like to do autos in the front and possibly regular...
  4. M

    47x47 grow tent Max out

    Hi Riu i planning on getting a 47x47x76 tent i wanted something smaller but did some shooping on ebay and cant beat tht price, i just hope its up to par and not a cheap one. What do you think,,, but i want to put as many autos in...
  5. M

    prepaid cards for attitude?

    What are the green dot cards call and where can i find them...i thought i saw sumthing at walmart or the drug store