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  1. MC.Toke

    how much yield more or less you would say you could get from this

    If you do not stress it and give it good nutes you should get at least an ounce off it. You could pop some side lightning for more yield. Also , why not make a grow journal? People here can help you with any problems you might encounter while growing it.
  2. MC.Toke

    Cotton Candy Kush. Just started 12/12

    It's looking good and healthy man. I think you'll manage to pull at least 2 oz. off it
  3. MC.Toke

    First Grow!! Very strange.

    What soil are you using man? Also , do you check your PH level?
  4. MC.Toke

    *First Official Indoor CFL Grow*

    Lookin' good man ! Good idea with the deflating garbage bags. Also , how much time do they need to fully deflate?
  5. MC.Toke

    First CFL closet grow.

    Hey man your grow looks great. It's very nice for a first time grower.