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  1. lekcinj

    I Once.

    i once banged two girls in the back of my van while listening to the radio that was talking about a pole they had taken, on the pole the number one thing girls enjoyed was sex. i met this girl because she txted my phone by accident.
  2. lekcinj

    HID vs HPS

    thanks for the wikipedia definition, i was just lookin to see exactly what the 3 phase was and how it worked but didn't see ur post until i posted. so by the sounds of things 3 phase is for industrial use and im pretty sure that 3 phase wouldnt work. so i have the 2 parts too this light, i have...
  3. lekcinj

    HID vs HPS

    the multi input ballast is definitely possible...but yea like i said electronics isnt exactly my forte. i live in canada too btw. so if its phase 3 and not multi input then the only way i could use it would be to get a different kind of grid right? which wouldnt be worth the hastle, prbly be...
  4. lekcinj

    HID vs HPS

    yea...its actually 347V....i dont know much about electrics but im guessing thats way to much? i was going to have a buddy of mine come check it out cause hes an electricion but do u think the estup is doable with this light at all? would a DIY cool tube work?
  5. lekcinj

    HID vs HPS

    so would this kind of light only work for veg? and not for flowering. cause i already have a bunch of T5's for veg, was hopin i could use this for the upstairs :P
  6. lekcinj

    HID vs HPS

    yea thers like a condoit for it, but its definitely 1000w cause theres a label on it sayin so
  7. lekcinj

    HID vs HPS

    lol, alright well im not sure if its a metal halide or hps light either :P heres some pics though. my buddy told me told me that ide prbly have to take off the casing to otherwise itd just heat up way to fast. think instead of using a cooling tube i could just throw a vent into my door and...
  8. lekcinj

    HID vs HPS

    so one of my buddies got a 1000w HID light on his hands and i was wondering whether or not theres a big difference between using the two. Ive read that the HID lights are the white/blue end of the spectrum and make the plants bushier but dont really let the plants grow upwards? i want to put...
  9. lekcinj

    any hope?

    ive been feeling the soil and checking to see if it was moist and sometimes digin in a lil to see how moist but it could definitely be a possiblity that i over watered. and i was using a humidity dome before but its not on atm, im using five T-5s for lighting too btw. and its not a clone its...
  10. lekcinj

    any hope?

    this is my first grow and the plant was doing well until about a day or 2 ago when its leaves started to whilt. wat can i do to save it? ive bin watering it every few days making sure not to over water it, and ive got my lights on a timer of 18/6. any ideas?
  11. lekcinj

    first grow, comments welcome

    hey so this is my first grow, ive got a 31" by 35" by" 7 foot closet. ive seperated the bottom into a veg room. ive got 7 plants growing at the moment and most of em seem to be going pretty well. here's a few pics. all advice is welcome. the quality of the pics are pretty crappy cause its my...
  12. lekcinj

    Weed Tea

    one thing that works pretty well is to fill a tea bag with stems and a little bud. then put the tea bag and a real tea bag in a tea pot if u have one with a little bit of butter and/or milk. then just let it sit for a while then the tea actually tastes like watever the type of bag u put in. ive...
  13. lekcinj

    just getin started

    yea this time when i put them in there not deep at all, i had just put them in too deep before.
  14. lekcinj

    just getin started

    alright thanks for the advice, 3 of the 8 are above the soil now and the other ones are almost there. im going to water them in a bit and the ones that have sprouted ill water till run off then leave for a week and ill just wait till the other ones sprout until watering them
  15. lekcinj

    just getin started

    a few of them have started to sprout but if i leave the other ones and let the soil dry out a little cause its still a bit to wet. will they be fine? if i just make sure to watch how much i water em.
  16. lekcinj

    just getin started

    hey guys im just starting a bit of a closet grow and figured ide ask a couple questions because im still a newb. but am trying to learn as much as i can in order to maximize wat ive got. i just planted 8 seeds about a day or 2 ago and i think i may of over watered them, i was watering about...