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  1. CrimsonPooh

    Naked closet

    check pics on my profile if need be bighomz, but as of rite now its not much to see. next weekend ill be all done with the closet and will post pics
  2. CrimsonPooh

    "Doctor I have a strawberry up my ass"..."Oh we have a cream for that."

    i buried the S part of the stem, its surviving right now, we'll see wht happens in a few days though
  3. CrimsonPooh

    "Doctor I have a strawberry up my ass"..."Oh we have a cream for that."

    Anyone know what the deal is with this little guy? She's doing well but this stem looks crazy. i removed some rockwool to see how the root system was comming and everything looks to be in order except that it looks like its rotting at the base of the stem....its been like this for the past...
  4. CrimsonPooh

    Poormans super closet muwahahahahahaha!!

    the Marijuana Cultivation wants YOU! haha so cool, definitely trying this one out!
  5. CrimsonPooh

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    unreal dank bro! looks tight!
  6. CrimsonPooh


    really eh, thanks. Looking forward to trying outdoor this year and trying to pick dates for when we get sun n shit
  7. CrimsonPooh

    *peepthis* -> TeamPK

    the others are random bagseed kushlings
  8. CrimsonPooh

    *peepthis* -> TeamPK

    1 is RockStar and 4 are PurpleKush
  9. CrimsonPooh


    Boys when do you drop ur plants outside?
  10. CrimsonPooh

    Outdoor Grow

    when do you guys usually go out and actually plant for your outdoor season? i grow hydro but am starting crop for my first outdoor season
  11. CrimsonPooh

    WHITE CRUSTshit on hydroton....

    wht up, just noticing that theres this white crust shit on my hydroton pebbles around my plants... the plants look good but idk if this is mold or what? plz help! THNKS guys!
  12. CrimsonPooh

    got busted yesterday, gutted

    america, fall back. way back. end of the line preferably
  13. CrimsonPooh

    *peepthis* -> TeamPK

    TeamPK showin it all off *may not sell this android as quickly as i thought, camera ain't bad
  14. CrimsonPooh

    anyone else ever walk into their room and go "heeellllo! how are my babies doin today?:)"

    anyone else ever walk into their room and go "heeellllo! how are my babies doin today?:)"
  15. CrimsonPooh

    Naked closet

    Beginning to build the interior of my closet this week. cant have the neighbours upstairs smelling the dank so i come here to seek guidance on insulating the room. how have u guys done it? 5mm plastic wrap, plywood, that white sheeting stuff... where to begin on creating a grow closet...
  16. CrimsonPooh

    Brown Tips?

    riggd this up for the time being. 24hr sched or 18/16 till lamp comes you think?
  17. CrimsonPooh

    fluorescent for now?

    went through unbelievable missions to pick up a light the other day and failed. waiting on my boy to hook me up still but these guys are popping through the rockwool and looking for light. is it okay to set up this 20W fluorescent light real close to the sprouts for now and then switch to 400W...
  18. CrimsonPooh

    Brown Tips?

    no light on them yet. should there be? or wait a bit?
  19. CrimsonPooh

    Brown Tips?

    1 pic u can barely see the brown cuz of my cam quality but its there 2 pic shows the thread like plant sprouts what do?