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  1. chrismg84

    Masturbating on plants?

    hahaha. you are funny insanelane.
  2. chrismg84

    Finish the sentence above you!

    the dont go to heaven where the angels fly.... Why the hell...
  3. chrismg84

    Flight - what should I do?

    last time i was at the airport (Sky Harbor, Phoenix) there were officers walking around the airport with dogs. I don't know if they do this everywhere. Freaked me out just in case i still smelled like pot.
  4. chrismg84

    Carbonated Water?

    according to the article above, they watered the soil with c02 water, they didn't spray.
  5. chrismg84

    Making males - How long to go ??? with pics...

    havent you ever broken up a bud with seeds in it?
  6. chrismg84

    Vibration to improve Plant Growth

    it could be good for the plant early in its life, i think the vibrations would help strengthen the stem of the plant. I keep a fan blowing on mine the plant shaking so the stem strengthens up.
  7. chrismg84

    Yellow leaves

    you might refer to Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table if you have not already
  8. chrismg84

    Tiny gnat looking bugs on plants

    i had a gnat problem a few weeks ago, i used hydrogen peroxide, which i diluted more with water on the soil, let the soil remain dryer longer than normal, and had a few ladybugs around my plants for a few days, I'm not sure if the ladybugs helped, but doing those things i went from have lots of...
  9. chrismg84

    alright i fucked up

    Ive found it a lot easier to get plants out of the old pot when the soil is moist.
  10. chrismg84

    So depressed! long story please help

    since he smelled it, did he do a search there was probable cause? what happened with the cop?
  11. chrismg84

    Ever called out when buying supplies?

    i was looking behind the counter at a convenient store when all of a sudden the older lady that worked there says "We dont sell zig zags." I walked out... she knew what i was looking for, my eyes were most likely red, but i did sorta feel offended.
  12. chrismg84

    What will you do different on your next grow?

    So what have you learned on your current grow, or what will you do different on your next grow? I will not Veg for so long under cfls, because my plants are quite tall. Also i will stick to one plant per pot. What about you?
  13. chrismg84

    cfl grown, how long?

    2 - 45w 1 - 42w 2 - 27w Started with 6, ended up with 3 females. the tallest one is 4ft, lots of buds!
  14. chrismg84

    cfl grown, how long?

    hey thanks ClosetCultivation! i reckon ill start flushing her.
  15. chrismg84

    cfl grown, how long?

    48 days old, how much longer? random seed.
  16. chrismg84

    Crazy ass story...Flexyourrights saved my ass!

    great story... its unfair they can just call k-9 unit when you refuse a search. At least it doesn't happen in every situation. If everyone said NO to a search, even with no contraband on them, then maybe they would be more reluctant on calling for a k-9 unit every time.
  17. chrismg84

    Bagseed #1 Here we GROW again

    you still have some time before you need to transplant, when you do transplant, wait till the plant needs water so you can get the soil moist, that way when you the pot over, the soil and plant should come out in one chunk
  18. chrismg84

    how to use hermie?

    got a pic of the plant?
  19. chrismg84

    Is it still good to train my plaint.

    shouldn't you of asked that before you tied it down?
  20. chrismg84

    How long should I veg?

    bagelthief, i believe that applies to using cfls only for your grow, using an HPS you can grow your plants taller.