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  1. C

    Blackstar led 240w best yield competition

    Really old thread, I know. But does anyone have a suggestion for distance above tops for flowering with (1) BS240?
  2. C

    Apollo Series LED panels from Cidly

    What kind of numbers are they giving you? I've got a BS 240w that I have to send back to Gotham due to a burned up diode. They said I could get another 240w for free or I could pay an additional $100 and trade my current unit for a 4 spot Chrome. I was thinking about doing this. But if pricing...
  3. C

    Apollo Series LED panels from Cidly

    Lol you the man! I read that damn thing top to bottom twice and didn't catch that. I guess it just blends in the way its written, that or I need to stop smoking so much.
  4. C

    Apollo Series LED panels from Cidly

    Hey does anyone know the nm ratio that was used in this Apollo 20 test?
  5. C

    Super lemon haze led

    old, i know. but did this ever take off? im about to run the SLH under my 240
  6. C

    Can I Grow With using MaxiBloom by Its Self?

    thanks for the replies guys, I read epsom salt can be used in place of calmag. isn't that a bath salt? or is there an argriculture specific salt?
  7. C

    Can I Grow With using MaxiBloom by Its Self?

    Hello rollitup! I have a question about growing with strictly MaxiBloom. Yes, another question about what nutes to use. I'm a poor man and have been saving up for a while to get a grow going. I have mild insomnia and was becoming dependent on Ambien, so I started using marijuana to help me...