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  1. W

    3 1/2 week growth developing burnt tipped leaves need help

    first off i dont have any kinda schedule for the plant water or light , and i used miracle grow potting soil . . .i use the miracle grow plant food (blue mixing substance). . .Should i change to 12/12 or stay 24/7.
  2. W

    3 1/2 week growth developing burnt tipped leaves need help

    I dont kno my ph levels to be honest and thanks for the headsup hammer6913 im gunna remove one of those bulbs . . . . .should i remove the cool or warm bulb .
  3. W

    3 1/2 week growth developing burnt tipped leaves need help

    Ive been growing this strain from my seed collection for about 3 1/2 weeks now and its been growing kinda slow but ive been patient.just recently it started developing these brown burnt tips i been doing a 24/7 lighting two cfls and my little baby fan to keep it cool what could it be is there...