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  1. G

    Lighting Advice Plz

    hello peoples i need advice on wattage im planning a box that is 6 foot tall 4 foot wide and 3 foot deep and by my figuring i should be able to fit atleast 2-3 plants with out a problem with this in mind what wattage would you recomend
  2. G

    The Weed Nerd~

    what up sub thanks for all the info been alot of help to this guy:bigjoint:
  3. G

    Welcome New Members!

    i just want to start off with saying that what this site has to offer is a very awsome new to the site but have been a pot smoker for atleast 14 years and this is the first time i have actually found great infromation, being a disabled individual i am in the prosess of moving to a...