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  1. corvettecarbon

    (Supposedly) Hula Buddha, but wut do u think - PICS

    It's amazing to watch them grow, next grow im definately goin to try pollination again!! I think im goin to run both MH and HPS veg and flower, if I can figure out the heat issue!!
  2. corvettecarbon

    (Supposedly) Hula Buddha, but wut do u think - PICS

    I do have a tomato and 2 basils along with my 2 buds. If I remove them will it help my buds??
  3. corvettecarbon

    (Supposedly) Hula Buddha, but wut do u think - PICS

    I balance every watering and check runoff every watering, 6.3 - 6.5 ph is perfect from my past grows to recent.
  4. corvettecarbon

    (Supposedly) Hula Buddha, but wut do u think - PICS

    I'm hoping to get some Christmas smoke.
  5. corvettecarbon

    (Supposedly) Hula Buddha, but wut do u think - PICS

    Also what do u think the yield will be combined for both??? Both plants r top so there are 4 top colas and 4 smaller colas on the sides. Imma push them as long as they can go so I have enough bud till next harvest. Prolly March!!
  6. corvettecarbon

    (Supposedly) Hula Buddha, but wut do u think - PICS

    This is my 3rd grow, bought 2 gs from my d. and found 3 seeds (2 females, 1 male (cut)) of what he said was Hula Buddha, but who knows?!?!?! Its Day 42 since flip to 12/12, but its been 31 days since they showed sex. Do the buds look small????? They smell skunky with a hint of mint. Checked...
  7. corvettecarbon

    175w MH Heating Problems

    Please help soon, Thanks!!!
  8. corvettecarbon

    175w MH Heating Problems

    Here are some pics of my plants and grow box, sorry if pics sucks, took it with a phone lol :). The 2 larger Hulas are on Day 17 of Veg, and the smallest one is on Day 15 of Veg. :joint: Also The leaf tips of the 1st and 2nd true leaves r turning yellow, I havent given any nutes yet and they are...
  9. corvettecarbon

    175w MH Heating Problems

    Hi everyone, I had a grow journal on here couple weeks back but it went down the crapper............ My only problem is heat. I have great ventilation (good air movement in the grow box) but i think the intake and exhaust is the problem. I currently have 3 Hula Buddha's that are 2 weeks into...
  10. corvettecarbon

    Lighting Problem PLZ HELP!!!!!

    ok ill try that, sounds lik that could be the problem, since the cfls r closer.....
  11. corvettecarbon

    Lighting Problem PLZ HELP!!!!!

    Sry lights are on darkness so ill post pics tmrw mornin. No, my grow box is well ventilated, i just thought the light has to be a bit far. My hand is fine until 4 in, so ill move it up to 4 - 4 1/2 in. from top tmrw....
  12. corvettecarbon

    Can't get this strain to Flower. 5 weeks and no sign of sex!

    Put a camera in the box, and hav it on durin the whole dark period, then scan through it fast, definately worth a try .......... My problem was, for some reason they would com on randomly for 10 - 30 min flashing. One plant was female, and the other was male, so i pollinated!!!
  13. corvettecarbon

    Question about addressing deficiencies

    Thats awsome thx for ur post + rep
  14. corvettecarbon

    Lighting Problem PLZ HELP!!!!!

    Please help soon, i dont want more leaves to die......=(
  15. corvettecarbon

    Lighting Problem PLZ HELP!!!!!

    I just switched to flowering 3 nights ago so i flipped on the 150w HPS for 1 plant. HPS is 8 in away from plant top. Temp is 85-86, Humidity, ph, nutes and everything is OK to PERFECT. The problem is i'm using 2 100w cfl as side lighting, so the right side branches are getting light from it, and...
  16. corvettecarbon

    3rd Grow!! 1 Kushberry, 2 White Rhino

    I f*cked up bad, i forgot to water the plants this mornin and when i came back they look terrible. Just watered them and misted leaves slightly. Do u think they will recover??? Any advice???
  17. corvettecarbon

    Sup Yall

    bongsmiliebongsmilieSup everyone, been using this site for a little over 8 months, helped me out alot. Finished 2 grows this year, finally started my 3rd grow, which will be my first journal post on the site!!! Most ppl on here seems to be pretty friendly and helpful........wut's up...
  18. corvettecarbon

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    Miracel Gro is the Sh*tz!
  19. corvettecarbon

    Nirvana Ice & Bubble Gum grow.

    Very nice, I've used those nutes before, they weren't bad :)
  20. corvettecarbon

    signs of overwatering?

    I overwatered my first grow, i thought my plant wasnt gettin enough water, so i kept addin, but she made it through!!! :)