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  1. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Why you say that? Its a northern lights x shiva
  2. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Thanks ;D But the plants are just two, i think its not necessary to buy a 600W, am i wrong? And i will continue to use the cfl's.
  3. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Now i have a hps 250W do you think i should buy more cfl's? The hps isn't enough? They are 2 month old, i'm putting more 30 minutes of dark every day, for they start flowering, because in flowering time they get bigger and then i will not have space enough.
  4. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Hi guys, here i have some pics of my plants, a bougth a hps 250W for my two plants. As you can see, i still have the cfl lamps, there are any problem? Give me your opinion ;D
  5. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Thank you guys!! WolfZen my idea is to prune the top of the plants to increased branching, so to increase yield. The buds of the branching will be bigger and instead of one big bud i will have 2. Do you think is a good idea? dadio161 take a look on this...
  6. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Can you please answer my questions.
  7. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Thanks! Maybe monday i will put some pics to you. I have some questions, i can prune the plants even the big one showing pistils? They are still in 18 hours of light. I can keep the plants in vegetative (18h light) state until when i want? Another question, in vegetative state the time is 18h...
  8. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    I know i should expect so high income because, obiviously i'm a beginner, but had experience in other tips of plants... I have my plants in a big wardrobe, with 3 CFL's with 23w and 28w each one of they. Do you think i should put more lamps on the small one? Ps. How i put pics?
  9. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Thanks! But if i cut the day down to 12 hours she wil not have efficiency enough because she have 2ft, and i was expected 300 grams. What will happen if i do not cut the day? How about the small one, what should i do?
  10. J

    Beginner in Cannabis Plantation

    Hello guys, i'm a begginer. I have in my culture with two northern lights x shiva, one of the plants is doing very well with a lot of ramifications, and with 60cm or 2ft. The order is growing slowly, she is shorter, with 40cm or 1.31ft. They are in the 7 week with 18 hours of light, but im...