Search results

  1. dk420

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    hence why i dont really want to rent and why i would want to own. but if i cant find something that i cant pass up house wise, then i will have to rent either a room or apt (minimum short term of 6months) till i find something i am satisfied with. plus i will already be in California so the...
  2. dk420

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    thanks alot guys (and gals) for the info!! i am still looking. i might have to change my move date towards the end of the year/into next year now instead of late october (trying to tie up some loose ends before i leave the east coast) what i just may do is try to find an apt to sign a short...
  3. dk420

    What type of soil are you growing peppers (sweet or spicy) in?

    i may just use roots organic myself. i was considering them for a marijuana grow. what can i use as a fert? i was planning on going with jacks classic 10-10-10? or should i use something else? no they are not going to be inside. when i get them im going to plant them straight into a soil pot...
  4. dk420

    What type of soil are you growing peppers (sweet or spicy) in?

    no i havent yet sadly :-( im trying to find an area where my nephew wont go running into it with his power wheels lol and still get sun... and also reading up alot more. i may just not do a raised bed and have them in pots in a certain area and chicken wire around it.
  5. dk420

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    well i would love to grow more then 6 plants but still be within the legal growing law. so if ventura is anal about it then ill just stick to 6 and call it a day. yeah someone else said riverside wasnt that great and they wanted to move. any other place near riverside thats better? im guessing...
  6. dk420

    What type of soil are you growing peppers (sweet or spicy) in?

    what area (zone) are you growing in. im in zone 10 and im hearing that peppers love hot sun weather but then being told to put it in a shaded area where the afternoon sun wont hit it ? lol so im getting confused as to where i should have them put while growing them
  7. dk420

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    i appriciate the responses back! as to the best advice being move down and search. ive been looking at some rooms to rent out on a month to month (or even a short term like 6 months) and what they are asking for as a monthly rent/pet fee i might as well be paying monthly for my own house. im...
  8. dk420

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    that sucks about it not being MMJ friendly...i found alot of nice places in Ventura County.
  9. dk420

    did CONNECTICUT just legalize marijuana?

    lol sorry if it is misleading, everytime i mention legal marijuana im always referring to medical marijuana due to it the only weed legal (for now) lol. but yeah it does seem like a pain in the ass with the Pharmacists, but then again CT its self is a pain in the ass. guess we have to wait and...
  10. dk420

    did CONNECTICUT just legalize marijuana?

    Last Update: April 26, 2012 Connecticut House of Representatives approves medical marijuana bill After years of effort, Connecticut’s medical marijuana patients may finally get the protection they deserve. On April 25, the Connecticut House of Representatives voted 96-51 to approve An Act...
  11. dk420

    What type of soil are you growing peppers (sweet or spicy) in?

    thanks scroglodyte, but what i might do is either pot grow them or not make a taller raise bed and lining the bottom with plastic so i wont have to dig into the ground. i might even make a smaller second raise bed and mix the native soil with compost and manure (which im sure i can buy from...
  12. dk420

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    wow thanks for the response guys! your all helping me cross off certain cities from the list. Ventura is seeming like my fav choice for now, "collective gardener" mentioned Port Hueneme and Oxnard. any one from there that can voice how they like or dislike living their??
  13. dk420

    went to germ a seed and...

    i used the shotglass method (i had some bag seeds that were 2years old), make sure it has alot of heat and darkness (i placed a bowl over it with some hand warmers) and keep an eye on it after 24 hours....i germd 3 and 1 sank (didnt sprout) 2 floated but one 1 of the two sprouted....not saying...
  14. dk420

    What type of soil are you growing peppers (sweet or spicy) in?

    i dug out the 3 to the left today and it was planted in that type of medium (picture above), this is the before picture, ill take one tomorrow of the after
  15. dk420

    What type of soil are you growing peppers (sweet or spicy) in?

    this isnt what i dug up today, but this is the same type (by looks) of dirt i dug up that some palm stumps where in
  16. dk420

    Can i clone this somehow? and can i turn this into compost?

    yeah im going this sunday to they nursery and will keep that in mind, i thought about it and dont want a big tree there any more because incase of a storm i dont want to have the chance of it falling on the house but something similar to those small palms would be nice, i already dug out the 3...
  17. dk420

    What type of soil are you growing peppers (sweet or spicy) in?

    lol i wanted to get the volcano but opted for the fire because it came with more seeds lol. im also going to order a Bhut Jolokia plant from just incase i fail from growing it from a seed. will miracle grow seed starter work for seeding in a solo...
  18. dk420

    Florida Growers Thread

    good to see a FL section here! sadly i havent grown anything yet but still wanted to rep for South FL growing!! lol a zone 10a here
  19. dk420

    How do you dispose of root material?

    burn some of the root ball inside with a lighter or mini torch, see if it smells. if no then ur good to throw them in ur fire pit and make smores, or you can get a black plastic garbage barrel and use that to make compost if space is limited. goodluck!
  20. dk420

    Which part of Cali. to move to? please help!

    hell no you cant beat that!! and yeah nothing can compare to nyc, but its so ppl can get an idea when i say go out for fun (local club) and going out to party (nyc/miami status) lol but why do you say was a disapointment? what were you expecting and what did you really get?