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  1. highinatree

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    AdvanacedNewbie, Great explanation! I'm certainly a newbie at this level of diy electronics, but not to hardware design. I have 23 years experience laying out circuit boards. My electrical engineering resources are endless. I'm certain I'll refer to your work from the start. Thanks for sharing...
  2. highinatree

    Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

    This is awesome! I just got my first arduino and an ethernet shield this week. I can't wait to start playing.
  3. highinatree

    Messed up big time, things you have done to your plants or equipment

    I tried to do a garage grow last spring... That was also my first hydro grow. That was also my last garage grow! Between the lights and the record temps we received, I couldn't keep the temp under 90 at times. And if I let the lights during the day... well over 100 degrees many times. Topped...
  4. highinatree

    Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

    Good info Rollers! I've been researching nutes.... Between the good reviews in this thread and the Dynagro Dumpster grow by HB... I made the switch to DG weekend. I'm so freakin sick of adjusting ph for GH!!! Fire it up!
  5. highinatree

    Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

    Thanks for all the good info Rollers! I'm still relatively new to growing... 3 grows. I started with GH products just because... probably because of ease and that's what the guy handed me. I'm ready to give something else a try. I'll have to read this thread a few more times to take all in. Keep...
  6. highinatree

    cloning in just water?

    I saw this thread thought I'd share my results of cloning without any cloning additives at all. Until this experience, I have never cloned any plant. Three weeks ago I prepared 100 clones. I cut'm off a larger branch while underwater in a solution of less than seedling strength GH solution...
  7. highinatree

    kyle stanley

    Kyle Stanley has got Game! Anyone who can redeem himself on the PGA tour in just one week is a badass! What a show he put on. Go Kyle Stanley! Those guys are good!
  8. highinatree

    How fast can u run a mile ?

    Wow! Something I can still do... run! I've been a runner all my life. I ran the 800m or 1/2m in high school. I ran anchor leg on top 10 5A high school relay team in Tx... oh yeah, that was 1983. I ran a 1:55 half and a 4:35 best mile. And then there's now... I'm 48 next month and am happy with a...
  9. highinatree

    Hello from a new stranger

    Hello fellow rollers! Thanks so much for the wealth of information you've shared in your posts. I am a veteran with 25+ rolling experience but only about 1 year in growing. I found this place when I ran across Heath's vertical hydroponic growing machine... HOLY SMOKES!!! I was so impressed by it...