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  1. S

    Giving up my weed buyer to friend

    yeah from one of these Cali chicks
  2. S

    Giving up my weed buyer to friend

    Well he just wants an OZ this week but i know the buyer take 6-9 OZ across state of reggie
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    Giving up my weed buyer to friend

    So I stop selling bud ...Yeah for me but i have friends that sell, friends being a stretch but other sellers, so what should i get in return for hooking them up :weed: I scratch his back he scratches mine
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    So someones tryin to robb my plants!!

    dig a 10 ft hole around your plants camo it then when they fall in fill the hole back up
  5. S

    Got question hope y'all have answers

    so i planted indoors b4 but i have acers of land and land beside me abandon house beside me so im plant it som where in bettween my house n that on i know ppl that smoke some reg and i can get about 20 to 100 seeds from them but i also want to grow some funk on the side should i just grow some...
  6. S

    Roll that Shit, Light that Shit, Smoke that Shit :bigjoint:

    Roll that Shit, Light that Shit, Smoke that Shit :bigjoint:
  7. S

    Welcome New Members!

    I love weed besides that I have grown once b4 but i was wondering can you grow a seed from some funk or dank in regular soil outside with out hydropronics i have about 6 acers of land i will be making a post if i dont get no feed back but its Great to be here guys got mad questions