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  1. dsrtsno

    finally flowering

    whats up everyone. my 5 plants are down to 2. 2 boys had to get cut... one i forgot to change into my box when i left for a week, and came back to a boy about 6" taller in the back of a closet. so these are how they're looking... any advice? i had to move them from a 400wt hps to 110wt t5s and...
  2. dsrtsno

    First grow, any advice?

    hey, sorry it took so long to get back to the post... i'll put up pictures of it later this week, been crazy busy with work
  3. dsrtsno

    plants had to go=[

    ^ unless your arrested for growing the marijuana they told you to throw out... sometimes its not a bad thing to appease your parents.. or tell them upfront your growing it.
  4. dsrtsno

    First grow, any advice?

    thanks guys! here are the pics... the lil one is still pretty small compared to the other two, but looking at the pics from last week, holy sh1t has she grown... im putting some more lights in the box with the 110w t5s... maybe just another 50watts... right now i have some seedlings enjoying it...
  5. dsrtsno

    First grow, any advice?

    So guys, I started my babies on 24/12 lighting (i think they should have a little bit of rest... plus my other plants need to get some solo time in the light ... watermelons, tomatoes, etc...) they are starting to grow like monkey nuts! I let a friend borrow my camera, so i'll take some pics...
  6. dsrtsno

    First grow, any advice?

    the larger one was planted 3/12, the other 2 on 3/18... the germinated for 2 days before i put them in soil... i'll put them on 16/8 and pray my dog learns how to use a fire extinguisher. i dont plan on using the t5s for much longer, but the area that the hps is, even with the fan and...
  7. dsrtsno

    First grow, any advice?

    These three are my first babies... started them out under t5s (110watts) just put the oldest under 400watt hps this morning. They're on a 12/12 cycle (i know it should be longer, but i dont like keeping the lights on for too long when i'm out of the house)... do they look like their on track...