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  1. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Your willing to offer me 2 for 1? No thank you, why? most likely it had a Dutch strain in it, we will not deal with anything shitty dutch...;-)...Of course as you already know, 99% of all commercial strains out in public have at least 12% shit dutch...what does this mean? It means that GW Pharm...
  2. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Your numbers are slightly off my friend, and to be honest, my numbers are actually pretty conservative, as far as pics of my lab, yes you will see very nice pics in the May issue of Skunk Magazine...;-)...What i have you can't buy anywhere in the world, and when the magazine story comes out...
  3. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    You will be buying it soon...Trust me...And 1 million you say, you must be one of the shitty dutch seed kings, no thanks, I only put out the best products....;-)
  4. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Message sent....Thanks...;-)
  5. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    I have a lot more credibility and influence than you might think kiddo..And no, i don't deal with peoples credit cards by the way, nobody would give you a merchant account if you sell cannabis tissue cultures dumb ass....Pretty sad of you to even bring that nonsense talk into this discussion...
  6. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    ;-) You are correct, tissue culture is nothing new, however what is new is a company that will be offering this technology on a commercial level right to your front door...;-)
  7. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    I'm sure i will champ....;-)...I'll keep you posted, only if you knew my friend....But within time you will know whats coming. The benefit of what we have to offer to the cannabis community is overwhelming in most circles....If you care to discuss real science with me you know where to reach me...
  8. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    I guess if you can't figure out the value then I guess your comments are useless to me since it shows me more evidence that you really don't know what your talking about in terms of science....Anyways chief, you keep cloning your mother's and we will keep culturing getting i promise you, much...
  9. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    If your interested in Genetic modification WolfZen, stay tuned for the article coming out in Skunk Magazine in May....;-)
  10. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Wouldn't make any sense compared to cloning? Really? Why is that?.....Feminized seeds? Really? Do you happen to know how feminized seeds come to be and what it does to there true genetic makeup? Maybe this will help your decision to see if it is not a viable option to cloning: Tissue...
  11. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Yes, the videos will be fantastic, very in depth and educational, and for those still wanting to learn more we will be doing maybe some LIVE classes in Toronto, Canada every 3 or 4 months possibly....
  12. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Call me and we'll chat....These types of conversations are better left for private discussion....;-)
  13. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    We are using some different ways to manipulate that i don't wish to discuss on a public forum, maybe we can chat in private about it....As for the different names we use, i tend to name our strains after infamous serial killers (Unabomber, Hannibal, Green River Killer, BTK, etc...);-)
  14. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Very well put Pharma...:lol:..You are correct, i do not purchase from you, we make our own mediums....My team and i here in Canada have a 12,000sq. foot super-lab and as we speak, over 1 million plantlets in stock with over 120 different strains, not to mention our expertise in Plant...
  15. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Unfortunately most kits sold can't "root" the plant for you...That's why they are for the most part unsuccessful...Cheers FishWhistle, thanks for chiming in....
  16. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    I don't need anyone to agree with me dude, i have a whole team of researchers behind me...:)...Try researching who the 'Dr' is and you'll probably find i am not a figment of someone's imagination. Let's you and i just stick to scientific fact and how this science can improve everyone's...
  17. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Hey Voidling...We have a 3 step process that we use here in our lab with a combination of different mediums...Yes, you are absolutely correct when you say that the rooting and hardening off use to be the issue, not anymore though...Bill Carrington was one of the first to pioneer the success of...
  18. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    I can always use a few good people me up on Facebook or Skype and we can chat...As for this forum, we will keep educating, won't take much time though, lots of smart people here, they will realize fairly quickly that what we are doing far surpasses the current way they are...
  19. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    Could not have said it better myself...They will understand soon once we go public this summer in Canada...When people are buying hardened, rooted tissue culture clones from us with no diseases and 100% females or males they will be left in the dust to there past thoughts...If your interested we...
  20. Dr. Tissue Culture

    Marijuana Tissue Culture Success!

    I can see Gastanker doesn't really know what he's talking about...Like i said , we've been doing this for 3 years with super success here in Canada and so has Bill Berry Farms in California with Bill Carrington who was on the previous Skunk Magazine issue...We transport these long distances all...