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  1. P

    need help w/ leaf burn

    they actally have burn spots, it'll start at the tip in little brown circles, then the leaves will stop retaining moisture and just dry out. im using a soil called happy frog, but im re-using it from a last grow. could that be it too?
  2. P

    need help w/ leaf burn

    ok so my plant is about two weeks old. and from the beginning of its sprouting the new leaves always come out lookin real nice real green. But after about 2-3 days the leaves start to burn, iv checked the ph of the water and its ok, but i dont have a way to check the ph of the soil, could that...
  3. P

    How does she look??

    congrats on it bein a girl man, i would just say to try and put some more light on them if you can. otherwise good job.
  4. P

    Temp for drying

    thanks man, would anything happen if it was colder like around 70-65 maybe?
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    Temp for drying

    O! and the box has air holes in it so the fan air can get to it.
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    Temp for drying

    I was wondering what the temperature should be while im drying. i have my Buds in a card board box on strings, and a fan blowing on the box. its just that the air from the fan feels cold, i dont wanna screw anything up. Thanks.
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    No Magnfying glass, WHEN DO I CHOP?

    ok thanks ill check out that scope if its only ten, thought they were more. i got pics comin too.
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    No Magnfying glass, WHEN DO I CHOP?

    ok so i have a bagseeed grow and its been goin since september-ish, im really bad with time so i dont know what week flowering im in, and i forgot when i started. I know i should be more organized but its to late. :wall: SO besides a scope and keeping track of time, how can i tell if my plant...
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    weed prices

    yo man down in nc the prices are high man, its like 600-500 an O, man bubt im tryin to revolutionize it down here, 300 an O. What are ur guys prices for a g, not tryin to steal ur thread just didnt want to start a new one with the same question. thanks
  10. P

    Bat guano 10-2-1

    just feed em man, if you followed the instructions on the bottle then ur good, i like to start off low with like 1tbl spoon-2 tblspoons per gallon. then when that gallon is used up i got to the three tblspoons per gallon, and yea i do the same thing got a aquafina bottle poked holes in the top...
  11. P

    help choose strong indica/sativa strain

    look up traveling thai from nirvana, its stats are higher than alot of the other strains, and one of the reviews actually siad he grew it next to og kush and the thai put it to shame, said it looked like sugar was allllllllllllllllllllll over it. check itout Traveling Thai | Marijuana and...
  12. P

    Hermie? 1 week of flowering

    if those two pictures are the same plant then its a herm, but if not the second one looks just male, but the pic wasn't to clear, hope i helped
  13. P

    What have I done to my plants?!

    you should look into a moisture meter they sell at walmart, works great, and its cheap
  14. P

    Interesting dwc bagseed grow: Juicy pink 2nd week flowering

    damn! this shit looks nice! good job man and congrats on this find!!!! i really would like to see this bud dried cured and smoked:blsmoke:
  15. P

    my first one.. Check this sh*t out!!!!

    good stuff man, keep it up
  16. P

    First Time Grower my Baby OG is dying

    no dont do a drip right away, start with rock* wool, and you need the rooting gel. and if you really want to go simple use soil. o and the white powder shit, i dont know what that is, but i had in my soil grow. i just said fuck it and it eventually went away. but i would deff look up some...
  17. P

    What next? (strain question)

    go with ice, i got no previous exp. but, every grow i see with it looks freakin dank as hell
  18. P

    white widow still not smelling

    if its curling in that usually means a little to much water, check ur stems if there turning a purple/pinkish color its to much water.
  19. P

    First Time Grower my Baby OG is dying

    if ur plant still looks like those pictures then just chill, sloww down the watering and just be real patient, try and save it man, even if it just gets a foot tall, you'll have a little bud =]
  20. P

    Anyone..make my plant taller???

    you could go and put them into flowering now if there that big. when you actually put them in flowering there gonna get bigger. i would put them into flowering, wait to sex them, then kill the males to make room. but if the leaves are just touching a bit its ok i have seen pictures were the...