This is some great advice. I had always been planning to hit the hardware store all at once, but collecting it slowly will maintain my interest, and really bring down the impact on my wallet. I also wanted to give farming a few vegetables or fruits a go as well. It will further my experience...
Dover, DE for the time being, although I hear this is the 'baby' base of the USAF; folks try to station here to start families, because you never leave. I might have some temporary deployments in Europe and Asia soon. As it stands now I plan to throw in the towel on the military once my 4 year...
Haha I agree with you both. Although, nothing is stopping me from fighting for legalization in the mean time. If nothing else, I'm educating myself on how to grow for personal use when my contract ends.
Our love for a miracle weed.
I'm unfortunately unable to smoke in my line of work, but I have the intention to start a personal use op once I'm able to do so. Until then I suppose I will have to live my love for marijuana through all of you!