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  1. M

    was out side mowing the grass,2 cops

    I was hoping for the best legal advice on how to proceed.The cops did not smell weed,despite what they said.Ive had people,in my house(family),and you can't smell it. Based on the facts,and the search laws..what do you do?...they did not have a warrant.
  2. M

    was out side mowing the grass,2 cops

    Im in a non medical state,pretty tough on weed.I was outside mowing,here come 2 state troopers,looking at the house in front of mine,and my house.I was polite and asked if I could help them.They never replied and kept looking,(for a vent coming out of the house i assume). After seeing my...
  3. M

    Disappointed with Freedom Of Seeds

    I ordered mighty grape from freedomofseeds thru attitude.None of the 5 regular seeds came up.All duds.Tude told me to contact the breeder,which I did.So I am in the process of getting reshipped..its been about a week so ffar..and ill let you know how this turns out. i see why the mod chose to...