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  1. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    well boys i had a pretty wild and shitty night tonight i was robbed at gunpoint by 2 stupid hood rat ass niggers who cant afford shit so they robbed me and my buddy with a fucking 9mm and stole all my cash and both my phones worth over 700$ and the fucking pigs didnt do shit about it i hate the...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Merry christmas eve fellas hope everyones smokin good, ill be finishing my stash over the new year and dabbing hard hope everyone does the same! Cheers dudes
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    hey guys good to hear everyone got some return, i didnt do to bad for my first year i lost alot of ladies to and only ended up with about 10oz but hey its free bud so im not complainin! i made oil with the trim and it turned into more of a hashy substance but its nice to put on bowls, whats...
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    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    hows evrybody doing
  5. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    been using neem oil and im seeing less bugs, i got out to check the ladies and i found one was male and another was questionable so i left it for now. and hic yea i did i ended up with 2 good healthy females, how good of a yielder is it do ya no? anyway goodluck to everyone peace!
  6. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    thanks james i think im going to put most of mine in the ground but keep a few so i can still move them if need be and even if i got an o or 2 off each one id be one happy sob, do you guys do anything about little bugs that nibble on the leaves or are they not to much of a problem?
  7. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    james were pretty much in the same boat my ladies are about the same size as yours as i had a late start to, im hoping they will grow another foot before they start flowering, i have a question though maybe it can be answered maybe not, but if i leave my ladies in 5 gal buckets how much would...
  8. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Yea dont stop posting man keep the thread alive haha but i have been doing more lurking than posting im guilty of that to, but looks like you have 4 nice loking plants! the spot there in now looks like it would work for now but try to find a better spot close by cause like james said not enough...
  9. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    hey guys just checking in, i have a question what do you guys do about bug control, whats the best stuff to use for the bugs who just sit on the branches and eat the leaves?
  10. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    sorry to hear that hick thats a shame i found someones plant growing while walking through the woods a couple weeks ago and left it cause ik people put hard work into there plants, fuck people who have no respect for growers and there plants and oh i didnt tell you guys ik who stole those old...
  11. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    well guys i got 4 outside now 3 buubba kush or critical mass could be either and the other is unkown and another 20 waitin to go out soon, alittle bit of a late start but its better than not atall, hope everyone elses ladies are doing good. oh btw hic i got about 6 of those onions goin 2 of...
  12. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    well i have some pretty shitty news, the seeds i was going to use that i knew the gentetics didnt srout cuz my tepms got to high over the first night. oh well i got more started now gonna be another 2 weeks for me to sadly, oh well. But i have a question i have 1 bubba kush i had started like 2...
  13. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    hic im going to start em in a few days i have to go get more soil but just havent had the time
  14. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    it was lol and ya i havent had that happen in awhile it was a alittle bit off a rush and ya its a shame that people cant mind there own dam buisness its not like i was hurting anyone or bothering them i just wanted to have a little smoke and go enjoy myself but no people have to be dicks cuz...
  15. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    holy shit i almost got busted tonight i had an 8th so i was skating around and i saw some woods so i decided to have a smoke and found a nice place were i thought i was safe and smoked 3 bowls and then walked down the path to a open field and i almost went home which is to the right but i was...
  16. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    ya i was pretty sure the 2 had died from the cold but the other three didnt dissapear from animals i had them still in pots and was going to go back and transplant them yestserday but when i went back they were gone and so were the pots so thats a bad place to have em so im not putting any...
  17. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Well here was one of the ladies the others were already outside, i put them in the woods right behind my house which isnt one of my locations cuz it isnt to big but no ones ever back there its really hard to get through so i thought they would be ok for a few days till i could get them to a...
  18. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    hic- i wish i could doode,i wanna start em really bad,it was alot of fun taking care and watching the others grow i cant wait to start them but i cant have it smellin up my room cause #1 i still live at home #2 my girl doesnt even like me smoking so shed flip a bitch if she knew i was growin...
  19. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Well you guys were right the the smell finally kicked in today, i came home around 2 and my room reaked like bud, so i had to put the ladies outside i had been putting them outside for a little bit the last 2 days cuz i new they would start smellin, so if they live cool if not its not a big...
  20. 4

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    Hic- i still got em i was just doing a test run with the bagseed to see how my cabinet and everything works. Shwagbag- i dont plan on putting all of them in one spot i have a few locations so it wont smell as bad and size isnt to much of a worry so i think i should be good