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  1. I

    Somebody please help my plant is dying before my eyes!

    At this point I'm not adding nutes - essentially just flushing with 6.8PH water in a drastic effort to get the run-off PH up. I'm 2 gallons in and still getting 4.9. Dolomite Lime? As far as medium it's Roots Organic Original in a 5gal. Thanks for the help.
  2. I

    Somebody please help my plant is dying before my eyes!

    What would cause my PH to go from 6.4 going in down to 4.9 in the runoff? Soil is Roots Organic. It's causing severe nutrient lock out. 5 other plants are fine.
  3. I

    PH problem?

    The plant looks really bad. Sorry I'm still a bit reluctant to post pics. I know 5.3 is low (and likely locking out the Calcium and Magnesium) but considering it's going in at 6.4 I don't want to change it and I don't want to flush either. I had an episode with some fungus gnats so I'm...
  4. I

    PH problem?

    Hi everyone, I'm a first timer who's been lurking for about 2 months. I'm 5 weeks into a soil grow (Roots Organic) and I have a plant suffering from obvious Mg deficiency to the extent that I think I might lose the plant. When I figured out what it was I put some Cal-Mg in the normal watering...