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  1. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    what should i back off of to make it not so hot? ms or the hormones?
  2. E

    Cloning by leaf ..

    Like take a leaf and put in dirt like normal ? No. However there are people on this board that do tissue culture including myself. I have successfully grown roots from a leaf it's crazy check out cloning by tissue culture I have posted pics of my progress.
  3. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    ok here is 1 ...chem dog 91...i have a callus forming at the bottom like around the trunk. I'd like to get to the point where when i need 100 cuttings i can make them that is my goal. So do you recommend just making a lot of callus's? this one is in the shooting formula. But i'm kind of...
  4. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    thanks...i'm going to post some pics to give you a better idea of where i am....thanks for your time pharm.
  5. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    Pharm, So now i have cells growing and in my blue media that i made for shoots i now have shoots. What do I do next? In my red agar i made for roots it seems its making a callus then making roots. How would i go about taking a small cutting that has been making shoots and getting some roots...
  6. E

    oatmeal cookie strain?

    ok thanks for the info...ya friend said 4k but who who knows right? lol
  7. E

    oatmeal cookie strain?

    friend said she just got a cut of oatmeal cookie strain...paid 4k for 1 cut. Anyone heard of this strain? Can't find anything on it.
  8. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    ok so i put three seperate parts of the leaf into new media. lets see how that goes now. I dipped in 2% bleach then sterile water then transferred next to a candle while holding i could do for now
  9. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    ok i'll see what i can do. I'll post a pic once i have it out of the tube to get a good pic for you and others to see hopefully help someone down the line.
  10. E

    Enough oxygen?

    thanks for the input. I'd like to stay away from stones if i can....just one more thing for bacteria to hang out on and get all dirty.
  11. E

    Enough oxygen?

    I have 2 4x8 trays maybe 3 inches of water in each say 70 gallons each. I have a 1/4 horse pump 1268 gallons per hour. If i pumped in water to each tray via 2 3/4 pvc and had them pour into the water like a waterfall effect do you think that would supply enouch oxygen for 18 plants in 6 inch...
  12. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    also how would you take a clump of callus just with some tweezers and dip in bleach ?
  13. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    ok well one part looks like a callus like a clump of goo growing...then at the tips is looks like white roots are growing from it. so just work with the callus i take it?
  14. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    which part is the mold lol? can i just take a small piece of callus and transfer it?
  15. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    awesome! so do just pull it out of the media and rinse in 10% bleach like i did before? Or go weaker? Will it kill my callus? Could i just take a small piece of the callus and transfer it to new medium to start one mold free and have more success to get growing? What would you do now? I...
  16. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    Kind of hard to see but the white things are roots poking out and from the looks of the other stuff it looks like a callus is forming? Or is it mold lol. The white things look like spikes coming out (roots) and they even have tiny hairs on some of them. Whats everyones thoughts on this?
  17. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    pharm i did it! Bammmmm....i have roots starting on a leaf! They were in my green formula i'll post a pic when i can focus on the roots iphopne cant shoot past jar.
  18. E

    speed up roots

    seems like it takes forever for the roots to reach water they are in 6 inch net pots with hyrdroton. Any tricks to speed them up? DWC setup
  19. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    ok will do, it was just a pretty small piece of a stem.
  20. E

    Cloning Plants By Tissue Culture

    pharm.... what is this thing doing ? Just seems to be bubbling