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  1. E

    Anyone here running an indoor slow drip system?

    always one out there.....guess thats what makes you soooo cool You use emitters and a variac together to dial it in perfectly genius.
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    Anyone here running an indoor slow drip system?

    you can also dial your pump in perfectly by using a variac,the proper way to dim down power versus speedsters. Using speedsters messes up your gear and creates a rather annoying hum in the device. A variac will bring down the power to the device without affecting the cycles on output. "So if you...
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    Rare Dankness 2013

    I cast a vote for naming it Nibiru. The true deathstar star killer. Especially since its suspected this thing is creeping right up our backsides any day now.
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    Rare Dankness

    Great to hear on both accounts. JJFOURTWENTY if I may ask, how do the RD beans look aside from color, how do they appear in size? I'm really glad to hear you got your order from the depot as I had been checking them out for some a while now. By the way Tude just put up GGG Stomper X Underdawg a...
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    Rare Dankness

    I appreciate the low down and can fully respect the Ghost situation. I just wanted to know that it wasnt a some crap bs cut. We do the same with our Triangle cut. I could careless about prices, to me they are what they are. Im involved in a competitive business as well so I get it, as long as...
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    Rare Dankness

    no his stuff is straight good to go top shelf. My point was you shouldn't breed with fem seeds.
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    Rare Dankness

    You seem to keep missing the point here. Why doesnt the public know EXACTLY what we are dealing with. Gage is about to drop Stomper OG and guess what, I know EXACTLY what is made up from. Loompa and GS so I know exactly what to expect having delt with both in the past. How come we have no info...
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    Rare Dankness

    wow that is expensive for unheard of beans.
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    Rare Dankness

    Good luck and let us know how it works out!
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    Rare Dankness

    it really does not matter whether you have bought regular or fem beans with regards to herms. It truly depends on the breeder and what exactly he used to make the strain. Like I stated above, what RD used Dr Greenthumbs Fem beans of his Ghost to make his strains?
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    Rare Dankness

    Ok I understand about ICMag however that simply does not answer the questions here. Rezdog has tons of posts of over there too. However if it were not for forums like this it would be near impossible to foresee herm issues or white beans. Or how about all the mess we all have heard about Logic...
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    Rare Dankness

    sorry I saw they have a few more plant pics on attitude now rather than mostly finished bud pics however, still not enough for me. That scott og pic has nice trics but what does the plant look like?
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    Rare Dankness

    there are a couple of things that I am nervous about with this company. First off Moonshine Man could have been growing since he was 12, that doesnt mean anything in regards to white beans and herms. I am not saying that RD are shady in anyway however a company flat off the map brand new is...
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    Rare Dankness

    Hello everyone I read this entire thread and I never could find the actual exact answer to what seemed to be the initial question here. Hopefully Mrs. Rare Dankness can help me out here, what exactly is the "Rare Dankness #1" made up from? What is its genetic lineage? Also if you can, where did...
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    Inda-gro Induction...

    I am not sure when you visited their plant but it clearly states in his video on youtube that only a few parts are made in china. He actually took the time(what he says) to nail down a perfect par spectrum for the newer 420 PAR. Bulbs are pyrex and...