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  1. MykeLyx

    Ground cinnamon to kill fungus gnats and their larvae?

    Thanks guys.. I took a vacuum to the room.. got rid of most of the adults..going to hit up the store today for the weapons you speak of... hopefully I fight these little buggers and kill them all...with little to no damage to my plants. Im very shocked that I was over watering these plants...
  2. MykeLyx

    Ground cinnamon to kill fungus gnats and their larvae?

    fyi...Im in a soil. potting mix blend.
  3. MykeLyx

    Ground cinnamon to kill fungus gnats and their larvae?

    Hi guys...I think I got a problem... Dont know how I got it but it seems I have fungus gnats.. SOB! I read that you can use ground cinnamon to kill fungus gnats and their larvae. or it kills the fungus they eat...seems to have worked for a few guys.. I need a quick fix.. and everything i read...
  4. MykeLyx

    Green Crack Seed!

    I spoke to the guy at the store, he told me if I got a seed from the green crack its crossed with blue berry as he had a few turn hermie on him.. Im still happy, I love both strains so fingers crossed its a girl!
  5. MykeLyx

    Green Crack Seed!

    Well Im trying it out. If it turns out to be female and even if its a cross strain due to pollination from another plant I'll consider myself a lucky dude!
  6. MykeLyx

    Green Crack Seed!

    Someone told me the reason it seeds is because it was stressed out so much during flower to make the plant HUGE it produced a few seeds.. Im just learning so.. I'll try it out.
  7. MykeLyx

    Green Crack Seed!

    Thanks guys. That's what I thought cant hurt to try... I also have some THC Bomb .. LSD.. and Mazar germinating... with 18 (unknown) cat piss smelling plants 2 weeks into flower. Ill post pics and everything as soon as I have some.
  8. MykeLyx

    Mikey Likes it!

    Mikey Likes it!
  9. MykeLyx

    Green Crack Seed!

    Hi all! Im new to this site and wanted to ask a question. I got some Green crack Kush from the medical store here in town and in it I found a seed in it... I have germinated it and it sprouted FYI. I was told by someone that because its a clone only strain...this seed will not germinate and...