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  1. J

    Autoflowering - sweet special auto problem

    he uses the canna coco with canna vitamin A+B but he is no way a new grower iv seen several of his crops and they are bootiful every time. He uses the 11 liter pot. :)
  2. J

    Autoflowering - sweet special auto problem

    Thanks for the reply, but i can say for sure they are no where near ready.. they had only just started growing white hairs before it stopped growing.. it looks like the first 2 weeks in to flower.. Still need help guys, any suggestions
  3. J

    Autoflowering - sweet special auto problem

    i guys sorry i don't have no pics or anything but my friend has asked me to find out if his plant is dead or whatever. as the title explains it is a sweet special auto BUT.... its been growing since 7th February until 6th of may so far and it started to flower , lots of white hairs , but then it...
  4. J

    Seed in pot 2 days and no show

    Sorry iv never bread but would be interesting to hear your findings
  5. J

    Seed in pot 2 days and no show

    well im definatly not buying anymore seeds, i thought sweet seeds and feminized seed bank was the way to go .. obviously not
  6. J

    Seed in pot 2 days and no show

    Thanks guys ill keep you up to date.
  7. J

    Seed in pot 2 days and no show

    Thanks jody709 i didnt know that, but i will defo take note next time. I opened the soil and took seeds out to see how long tap root had grown and nothing in 2 days more than what they was. By taking them out while i was directly under Metal hallide would that have killed them?
  8. J

    Seed in pot 2 days and no show

    Ok 2 days have passed and nothing.. nada... ok so i have bought 3 sweet special auto and 5 critical+ and planted them all .. only 1 has sprouted... Am i seriously doing anything wrong??? Soaked in ph 6.5 water for 24 hours then put in paper towel until tap root comes out.. then put in 1 liter...
  9. J

    Seed in pot 2 days and no show

    Thanks guys.. crit+
  10. J

    Seed in pot 2 days and no show

    seed goes in paper towel for 3 days in airing cuboard then tap root comes out about 2-3mm so they get planted in coco pro plus soil soaked before seed was planted. 2days later and they still havent popped there heads. Seeds planted quarter inch down.. Only PH 6.5 water.. they havent been...
  11. J

    Seedling help!!!

    Thanks ganjalee
  12. J

    Seedling help!!!

    Hey guys, just had a freind ask me to help him with something but i have no idea what im talking about and he is worried about googling things ( think he is just paranoid ). Anyway he has 2 sweet special autos germed these were planted just after picture was taken. Ok so he has a 400w HPS...
  13. J

    Tubular Heating

    Ok well just for those who dont know alot abot them.. i got 1x120watt from argos and it makes temps rise by around 4-5 celcius. Hope that helps anyone looking at buying them. Also they are designed to be left on 24/7 no problems ( well thats what the instructions say)
  14. J

    Flowering with CFL's????

    As long as there getting around 100watts per plant they should be good. But you need different spectrums of light for flower which cfls dont give
  15. J

    Red Hairs too soon.

    Adding a HPS will give them exactly what they need BUT depends on how many you are trying to grow under the HPS. 100watts per plant is sufficient for some tasty buds
  16. J

    Tubular Heating

    Has anyone used 60,80,120 watt tubular heaters? i have been told they was ok but now i have been told that they suck. Just wondered if anyone had used one before if so what wattage was it and how warm did it keep ur grow tent?
  17. J

    Tubular Heater

    Hey guys, I would like to know if anyone has ever used a tubular heater .. if so what was wattage one they used and what temps did you get while light was off on 12/12. Please post link to one you purchased please.
  18. J


    I heard that the 120w tubular heaters were not that good and only kept groom at around 13-19c. Do you owjn one of those then? if so can u put groom specs and temps please.
  19. J


    Hi guys, quick question.. might help others aswell.. If i had a 1800w fan heater and i put the thermastat to the lowest settings so it switches off when it hits a certain temp.. would my heater still be using 1800wats per hour or would that drop because thermastat isnt set to highest all the...