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  1. Tryypod

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Sorry im planning on using the Titan Ebb n Flo with 4 gal buckets. Ill look and see if there is a thread for that system as it seems this is for the Cap ebb n gro systems.
  2. Tryypod

    Azamax and Nutes

    Thanks for reply. I think the GH ph up Im using caused the ppm to go up though, I dont think it was the AzaMax but I could be wrong. Does anyone have the same with ph up increasing ppm ? Just wondering if this is common.
  3. Tryypod

    Azamax and Nutes

    Has anyone used Azamax mixed in with thier nutes as a root drench for fungus gnats? Guy at hydro store told me it would be fine but directions dont say if you can. When I mixed it in with nutes and adjusted ph my ppm went from 1300 to 1550 so im wondering how bad of a burn im gonna get. I know I...
  4. Tryypod

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    Has anyone tried using this 105 gal res with a 24 site system? Or would I just be better off with 2-55 gal drums linked? I know the 2 drums r alot cheaper but would like to save room too. Nvmnow that I think about would...