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  1. pl3santpa1n

    Watch this while baked

    i like.. but i felt like i started to rock back n forth..
  2. pl3santpa1n

    Do you wanna Hallucinate.......Then watch this!!

    thats awesome.. i bmk'd it
  3. pl3santpa1n

    Those FUNNY Pictures

    LMAO! a fuckin burrito?!?
  4. pl3santpa1n

    moistening dry weed...

    lol yea ur actually right..ehh scratch that
  5. pl3santpa1n

    what munchies do you enjoy?

    hehe.. "captain crunch cuts the roof of your mouth" ~family guy
  6. pl3santpa1n

    who here smokes bud, and doesn't drink or smoke cigs?

    the only time i drink is when im out... besides that no cigs or drinks pretty much
  7. pl3santpa1n

    Bump If You're Baked!

    :eyesmoke:yea man
  8. pl3santpa1n

    moistening dry weed...

    cool guys.. thanks.. i like the paper towel thingy if i ever decide to grow n sell.. the citrus peel thing sounds yummy..
  9. pl3santpa1n

    moistening dry weed...

    so i have some bud thats pretty dry and im tryin to find a way to moisten it up, i usually do the bread thing (put bread in the container and leave it closed.. moistens up in about a day). but 24 hours is too long for me.. any ways to moisten up pot quicker??:confused:
  10. pl3santpa1n

    How high 2!

    fuckin awesome:eyesmoke:
  11. pl3santpa1n

    Fable 2

    yea im pissed that fables out and i dont have it. i dont even have a 360 anymore! story: got 3 red rings, the bitch was overheating. so my asshole dorky friend decides to take it apart and try to fix it himself VOIDING the warranty and NOT fixing it. using electrical tape and pennies we got it...
  12. pl3santpa1n

    dood.. my bong broke =(

    yea so my idiot friend went to was out my glass bong... he used hot water. really hot water, then cold water. i hear "oops.." and the entire bottom was gone. wtf!
  13. pl3santpa1n

    F@#ked up video thread!

    omg that was sum fukked up shit
  14. pl3santpa1n

    Growing Pot with pet store supplies?

    first off, girl... and thanks.. i'll keep that in mind
  15. pl3santpa1n

    Growing Pot with pet store supplies?

    hey fellow tokers.. just wondering something.. so i've never actually done a grow before, but times are hard and weed is sometimes scarce around where i live.. so i've been pondering the idea. is there any possible way to do a SIMPLE grow using supplies from like.. say PetSmart? (i've worked in...
  16. pl3santpa1n

    alternative to rolling paper

    my cuz used a small piece of a brown paper bag once.. i was like wtf? fukk it...
  17. pl3santpa1n

    Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

    chikk toker here
  18. pl3santpa1n

    Good Ideas you had while puffing herb is the only color that is also a fruit..
  19. pl3santpa1n


    hey.. i also have had really bad asthma for my entire life (19 now..) so i started tokin about 5 months ago and my asthma has improved.. whats really intersting that i just found a lil while ago... Asthma and cannabis marijuana and asthma Therapeutic uses of cannabis medical marijuana asthma...