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  1. C

    Please Help : New infestation one week before harvest

    When you say spray you mean where I dry the plants? As im growing outdoors...what do you mean by vacum? around the buds? Thanks for the advise.
  2. C

    Please Help : New infestation one week before harvest

    I Really hope you can help me here. My plant is about one or two weeks away from harvest time, and today when I checked on the plant I noticed that there were small black specks under a few of the leaves and even on some buds. I think they may be aphids or PLANT LICE....but im not sure. I...
  3. C

    Opinion : Ready for Harvest....or wait?

    Im not sure what week it is....I just water the things... :) I would say about 3 months now of flowering. I think ill wait till the weekend and chop it. Very few trichs are turning amber. So will hope for a few more I guess.
  4. C

    Opinion : Ready for Harvest....or wait?

    so from these pix, would you say the trichones are showing it is in the one week period?
  5. C

    Opinion : Ready for Harvest....or wait?

    This is my first harvest. I think the triches are starting to turn a bit redish...well some of them. From these images, how long do you think I should wait until I harvest?
  6. C

    Are these Male, Female or Polinated Females

    On the pods there is something growing inside, so not sure if its buds or seeds, but for now its green and I guess in development of either seed or strange bud. I can cut one open and show pix?
  7. C

    Are these Male, Female or Polinated Females

    I have been growing 2 plants in my garden that I thought were two females. However now that they are budding, Im not sure if one of them or both of them are polinated, or not. Can you give me your opinion as to whether these plants are male, female or polinated females? There are two plants...
  8. C

    Is this a male thinking so?

    Killed the plant this morning....Crazy thing though was there were about 5 flys on the plant...and they had all died there....or were dead stoned. Things that make you go....WTF?
  9. C

    Is this a male thinking so?

    Im a newbie grower and growing outdoors. Im pretty sure this is a male plant, but being my first time, wanted to make sure....any advise?