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  1. D

    Creating my own strain

    following and plants looks nice bro :bigjoint:
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    My first grow!!! LA Confidential.

    update 3
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    My first grow!!! LA Confidential.

    2 weeks old now. set up
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    My first grow!!! LA Confidential.

    Btw I put it in the new soil today so this soil is no longer in use. but the plant looks the same :)
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    I started my grow journel actually last night lol heres a link. and yea I made a set up inside ill take pics of it on my next log entry.
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    First Grow- 2x600 watt tent/ 5 plants

    They all look good except that last one. Good luck man :)
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    My first grow!!! LA Confidential.

    Hey guys this is my 1st grow and im on a very tight budget im using 26 watt cfl's 2 atm. and i just bought some soil today. It said .24 -.7-.14 on the bag. im using aluminum foil as reflectance. Its been 5 days since I planted it but only 3 since it sprouted up. any tips or advice will be...
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    btw thank you for your help dude :) I really appreciate it.
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    52°F Right now Here in south FL. where im at. and ok ill go with your word on it but i did put it out there yesterday and it started drooping to the side and the stem turned purple again... When its inside its green and standing straight up. Ill try again today but if it droops and turns purp...
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    btw sry if i came off as doing that i have read pleanty of stickies and other forums and learned many things it's just tht i have no money to get the things i need so im pretty much procrastinating and not sure if these methods im forced to use will work. After i get a job (i went job hunting...
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    yea this is my thread though so dnt ignore me haha... n wat if i used both of these lights together? btw yes it is florescent.
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    this light isnt a cfl tho would the same principles apply though?
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    btw im going to start a grow journel on friday (1 week of growth) on here and waytoomany so hopefully you guys can help if theres any problems. ( im sure there will be lol)
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    thanks for the answers guys and i plan on buying stronger CFLs but for now i found another light and wondering if i can use it... i googled but didnt get an answer heres what the light says on it. 120v-60hz 120ma 4200k 8w and on the side it says in parentheses 120v-70w max. could i use this or no?
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    one more question. How high should i put the light above my plant? and should i put it in something like a box or just leave it out in the open until i put it back outside?
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    Yea I was going to keep it inside until the front is completely gone (temp is back to at least 70 might take a few days actually) I just want to make sure the light is ok to use on such a young plant.
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    Just a few questions i need answered please.

    Ok I'm a first time grower. Just growing 1 plant for myself out back. I know it wasnt the smartest idea to plant in January but i found a seed in some bud i got about a week ago and decided why not. It's germinated and i planted it 3 days ago and seems to be growing just fine but where I live at...