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  1. N

    Help!!! Transplanted a rootbound plant

    They have been transplanted now for over two weeks. Is there a possibility that they could be rootbound. And if so what could I do to sort out this problem now they have been transplanted or am I screwed.
  2. N

    Help!!! Transplanted a rootbound plant

    I have 5 bug Buddha planted from seed. Germinated then into small cups for week and half then transplanted into 3 gallon pots with coco. My problem is I think some of them may have been rootbound as since they have been transplanted there is very little new growth. Where as two are growing fine...
  3. N

    Watering Schedule During Flowering

    How are you watering. Are you using the blue sprayers. I noticed a thread on a forum about not watering through the night. I thought it was a bit strange so thort id ask. Tbh some of my leaves were browning and crimping and I thort it was nute burn so i bought a nute truncheon and lowered the...
  4. N

    Watering Schedule During Flowering

    Im growing using wilma 8 with clay pebbles. Switched to flower 5 days ago 12/12. i am after some advice on watering during the hours of darkness. lights on plants get fed 15 minutes every hour. does this apply during darkness too. Have read that you should only feed half way through darkness...