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  1. P

    help big bang goin yellow

    i dont know what to do,my big bang plants are in 2 flower but 4 out of 5 have gone yellow with green vains on leaves,heard may be overwet so now im not watering today but my plants norm dry each day and i was waterin 1 time per day about 1.5 litre over half an hour,but have now auto water pump...
  2. P

    pics of 12/12 sprout

    i hung them up in my room around the walls where they got plenty from light.
  3. P

    uk greenhouse fan

    hi i just read a post about greenhouse seed company,and if i recomend them,ive used gh for my first 3 crops with mixed results had good "church"and big bang but also had poor genetics from a different big bang pack.ive used "flying dutchman"too and there pot of gold were great but didnt clone...
  4. P

    Day 60 of flowering - harvest? (pics)

    id say if thats your first well done but it looks like you may be disapointed if your next aint so on my third and always thinking i wont get the same really like to know what strain they are and if you got them private or seedbank?i recomend pot of gold by flyin dutchman seeds
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    pics of 12/12 sprout

    yeah there ok small of course but by hangin them i got 2 oz extra from each one
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    how to cure your harvest

    hi mate ive done my 2nd crop now and lasty time i did mine by hanging 4 a week then paper bags untill smokin dry then put in zip bags and opened them neach day and stirred them up to avoid any damp,as they will get some freshness back when in plaqstic or glass.good luck im so glad im growin and...
  7. P

    2nd Grow Church

    hi this is my 2nd grow ;the church,this photo is week 8 and there almost ready.last week i snaped a branch by mistake an smoked it last night so sweet really nice even without bein flushed cant wait to taste proper cured bud.
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    pics of 12/12 sprout

    i was lookin at some clones that wernt lookin so good and thought id try experement with putin 2 flower straight away but had no floor space so in small seed pots i hung them up check them out after 8 weeks ps have snow on flowers
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    church 8 weeks pics

    hi 2 church growers out there,these are my first church grow ive taken cuts but honestly yeild aint so hot.pot of gold was good from seed but didnt clone well,am now splitin some powerplant seeds has anyone tried them?id like some feedback if anyone has had a good seed to recomend
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    Big Bang + The Church Grow

    yo am i glad to find church n big bang growers,i got those seeds n have mixed results,goin to chop today a very tall church 6 ft,the others maybe 3ft so ill post pic of yield
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    2nd crop

    hi guys ,today i c what ive got from my big church,im para after such a good 1st grow that im gonna end up with not as much1