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  1. BCProjects

    HELP; Plants leaves are falling off.

    Well the leaves haven't lost much color, stems are purpling, growing in coco as my medium what else do you need to know?
  2. BCProjects

    HELP; Plants leaves are falling off.

    Hey, my plants leaves are pretty much just falling off, if you shake them or give them aggitation, with little force they fall off.. what could cause this? i was thinking potassium deficiency, which makes the stems and petiolas weak doesn't it?? anybody have this problem? what was it? what did...
  3. BCProjects

    1 week and half from harvest and yellow leaves all over main cola

    its normal the plant is using up its nitrogen, very normal dont be worried. before harvest i flush with water, and a product call final phase comprised of magnesium and i cant think of the other component right now, allow runoff and test. ideally the runoff should be about 300 ppm higher than...
  4. BCProjects

    Iran kick off looking iminant?

    i highly doubtany military action will be taken against iran without direct provocation. understandably the economic future of iran looks bleak , and with with increasing drop off of their currency due to economic sanctions they might become desperate, and hastly commit an act of war against the...
  5. BCProjects

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    well i thought i would ask you guys since it seems there are some experienced growers that post in here. my plants are exhibiting some symptoms of what i think might be potassium deficiency, the lower leaves are turning light green and dying off,although the room they have is limited right now...
  6. BCProjects

    Pictures of my second grow attempt.

    Yeah, we were having problems with the AC a couple of times, it was getting to cold for the AC's and the freon or whatever it was, wasn't liquifying and cooling very efficiently, a couple times the temp has shot up to around 82 degrees, So far no PM problems this grow, last grow it was all over...
  7. BCProjects

    Pictures of my second grow attempt.

    Hey everybody. Just strolling through the internet trying to troubleshoot a tiny bit of a problem I was having with my plants, and stumbled upon this gem of a site. Been looking through the pictures and decided I would throw some down myself. This is my second grow, there are a few pictures...