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  1. Sean88

    About Khola...

    ok.... i switched it to 12/12 cycle... yeah... now its starting to bud more... lol.. i forgot about that... lol.. yes... weed can be expensive every where in the world... but here in ireland if you dont have a good connection you end up buying 50 euro per 8th... No.... i never have... thank...
  2. Sean88

    About Khola...

    a month now went by... emm.... yeah its healthy :D and its not budding even though from the smell an how it looks it should start really soon... how do i stop the veg. stage...? i'll get a camera soon... Later...
  3. Sean88

    Khola indoor (urgent!!!)

    i need to grow in about 3 weeks... i have grown before, but never used hydro methods... i have a 175 watt Eco light- for da start and part of veg. stage 250 watt HP- for further growing and finishing... i also use chemical feed (Grow, Boost & Bloom) I'm going to buy an Oxy-Pot... and i...
  4. Sean88

    About Khola...

    its a seed from... dutch-passion
  5. Sean88

    About Khola...

    I have a 250 Watt HP Light.. but from seed i think i use a enviromentally friendly 125 or 175 Watt Light.. Checmicals (sadly used) Bionoical (Grow, Boost & Bloom) CATCH 22 I'M AT!!!! -------------------------------->>>>>>>> My Question is... How long does it take for Khola (indoor) from...
  6. Sean88

    Hey.... So.. About Khola... :D

    I have a 250 Watt HP Light.. but from seed i think i use a enviromentally friendly 125 or 175 Watt Light.. Checmicals (sadly used) Bionoical (Grow, Boost & Bloom) CATCH 22 I'M AT!!!! -------------------------------->>>>>>>> My Question is... How long does it take for Khola (indoor) from...