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  1. J

    First Outdoor Grow :D With Pics

    i put my babies into there new homes today :D.. seem to be loving it!! although, once i got down there saturday, they were fucking wilting!!!!!!! so i gave em a hit of seasol and water :D they loved me for it... they copped a few yellow leaves but sprung right back and are doing good again :)
  2. J

    First Outdoor Grow :D With Pics

    good luck to u too mate :D and yeh there will be more photos once repotted :)
  3. J

    First Outdoor Grow :D With Pics

    thanks dude! im in queensland man :) how does it go down in vic? hahaha yeh everyman and his dog has that stuff ay! the canna is actually a hydro nute but im told that if u use half strength it does the trick :)
  4. J

    My first grow, almost there with three of the ladies.

    thats sweeeet!! and thats ur first ever grow? what country/state u from dude?
  5. J

    (EXPERIENCED GROWERS ONLY) Wtf has happened to my plant? :/

    dude seasol is no where near a fert!! thats like ur main problem right there!!.. ur ph is 5.5? thats not insanely bad but u gotta pick it up... ur using seasol and u wanna get every lil bit of the limited amount of shit in it... so yeh.. get some PROPER fert and start off with 1/4 to 1/2...
  6. J

    First Outdoor Grow :D With Pics

    im going to be putting em into 55L pots on saturday :)... and nah man im in australia so its summer time now :D
  7. J

    First Outdoor Grow :D With Pics

    cheers mate :)
  8. J

    First Outdoor Grow :D With Pics

    hey all im new to this site so yeh :D... anyways, i planted two plants from seeds under a fluro in early september and then threw them outside at about 15cm tall... i now have them in 20L pots (going to 55L this weekend) in a mix of cheap potting mix and high quality potting miix and blood and...