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  1. Duke Of ErrL

    Input Please

    14g yield or Running material? ;)
  2. Duke Of ErrL

    "I Hate" list from Professor Matt "Veganics" Rize

    Yes............ especially the watering video HAHA stalkin..... i dont know anybody else on this damn sight... "STRANGER" Dave Chapelle as Lil' John: Sometimes i like to sit on my hand until it gets numb and then masturbate. I call it the stranger.
  3. Duke Of ErrL

    "I Hate" list from Professor Matt "Veganics" Rize

    You take it easy here. I can tell :)
  4. Duke Of ErrL

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

  5. Duke Of ErrL

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    This thread is great. I just wish more people could remember what they learned the first time the flicked a Bic.... First post... glad to be here :)