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  1. jimmyhendrix

    Is she going to die?

    thanks a lot mates for the help here :D ok i use full biobizz nutes bio grow, bio heaven, algamic, top max and bio bloom she is 53 days after sprouting and she is flushed twice i water every 5-6 days whith half dosals last checked runoff ph was around 6.5 thats all i can think of right now if...
  2. jimmyhendrix

    Is she going to die?

    can i ask something else pls? i use organic nutes (biobizz) sould i use the full dosal as biobizz's scedule says or i have to use half like chemical nutes?
  3. jimmyhendrix

    Is she going to die?

    my feeding scedule is once a week sould i uses nutes in all waterings or not? and thanks for the feedback guys
  4. jimmyhendrix

    Is she going to die?

    Hello there guys could you please check my lady and tell me if she is going to die? here are some pics if you want more info just ask i will gladly give em Thanks in advance for the help
  5. jimmyhendrix

    What is the way to treat a deficiency?

    Ok i got a question. Im reading about deficiencies and there are some deficiencies that they occured due more than one case? Lets say that you have a plant that start showing a MG deficiency,now i have read that mg def can be caused by 1)low ph 2)A very wet, cold and/or acidic root environment...
  6. jimmyhendrix

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    check out mine too ^^ she is 50 days from sprouting. Royal dwarf auto fem from royal gueens she had some stressed times thought
  7. jimmyhendrix

    A little help if you please

    thanks for the advice mate ye i know that im overreacting because its my first time, my girls is five weeks old and ive started my research with reading and more reading long before i got the 1st seed in my hands, my eyes are bleeding from reading but as a new grower more reading brings more...
  8. jimmyhendrix

    A little help if you please

    Im using allready nutes ( organic biobizz's series) is that calmag somthing else? Ι have a really bugging question... if my soil is acidic and i flush it with tap water with a ph of 8.0 will it raise my soil's ph or no? and somthing else what would you do if you walk up a morning and see...
  9. jimmyhendrix

    A little help if you please

    Ok im sorry for bothering again but i need a little help here :( im posting some pics to see whats the problem as i stated here i've checked my water's and runoff's ph and seemed normal but now gworth is stuned...
  10. jimmyhendrix

    Autoflower Strain Advice

    yes indeed as i mentioned she had some problems that stuned her for a while :(
  11. jimmyhendrix

    Autoflower Strain Advice

    well if your asking me that depends on your soil. I used a really poor soil and i had to nute it with rootjuice 2-3 days before the planting and and some after i had to nute through the hole grow till now,but if you got a good soil then you can nute after 3 weeks i think
  12. jimmyhendrix

    Autoflower Strain Advice

    Well i got a Royal Dwarf from Royal queen seeds,im in 34th day from planting and consider that this is my very first grow and the plant got some stressers over her life now thats how see looks Now i dont really know if she supposed to look like this as i mentioned this is my very first grow...
  13. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    ok thanks a lot guys for your support :D really helped me and saved my Mental state ^^
  14. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    5.5 is the ph soil from the box isnt that changing in time with waterings? or do i have to add something to the soil itself ?
  15. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    well at least i hope you can understan my frustration . im in my first grow and things that i raid are happening to my know do you remember your first grow?? something like it ^^ hehe
  16. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    i can understand your thought about the burning,can that thing stress my plant to stop growing? im saying that because in my newbie eyes last week had 1 set of leaves every 2 days ... And to show you what i mean i gona post 2 pics this one is on 28-11-11 Uploaded with and this...
  17. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    at some point i had fungus gnats. i put a bowl with wine to catch the adults i let my soil dry and on the day that it was planned for watering i spayed a little water with some alcamix(of biobizz) the dosage was 1ml alcamix /littre (i didnt sprayed the whole littre just a few sprays) and i did...
  18. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    here are the stat :P She is a Royal Dwarf (Royal queen bank) Soil :algoflash (from my local supermarket) ph: 5.5-6.0 salinity:1-2 g/l dry materials:35% organic materials:20% water retention: 200 ml/l air retention: 150 ml/l those are the exact data from the packaging and i added...
  19. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    Nop. Indoor. she started to do this after a watering and one spreying with alcamic(biobizz) on 4 leaves...the big ones
  20. jimmyhendrix

    Anyone knows what is this ?

    Ok sorry for bothering guys i got a problem with my lady. here she is thanks in advance :D