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  1. 420 couple

    Nute lock

    Bumpty bump??????
  2. 420 couple

    Nute lock

    Day 33 had a little nute problem hopefully the eggshell lime will correct it. Martians and Tangerines are crystalizing nicely. Peace
  3. 420 couple


    I'm not sure that our posts and pics are down loading either were too boring no one wants to respond!! Would be nice to know, says there are views a but never any comments.
  4. 420 couple

    Tangerine dream, has anyone grown it?

    Here's the girls just end of 4th week of flowering. Flowered them at 30" and they now stand 54" there getting very hairy we trimmed off all the little piddly stuff. They smell like tangerine and crystals are forming. Have 3 MMG same flowering time they look awesome.
  5. 420 couple

    Happy 420

    Happy 420End of 4th week, Tangerine Dream are they heavy feeders?? Has anyone had Martian Mean Green leaves that wrinkle up and what causes it???
  6. 420 couple

    Happy 420

    End of 4th week, Tangerine Dream are they heavy feeders?? Has anyone had Martian Mean Green leaves that wrinkle up and what causes it???bongsmilie
  7. 420 couple

    HELP looks like seeds growing on top of my bud???

    Bananas first seeds later. How long into flowering???
  8. 420 couple

    Side branches

    It's a jungle in there new strains single kolas 3 TD and 3 MMG. It's a 4x8 tent. Still got lots to learn and how to keep them healthy til harvest day with nutes all veganics.
  9. 420 couple

    Side branches

    There getting huge what big leaves those Martians have but I think we still have to many side branches. They stand at 50 inches as of the start of there 3 rd week of flowering.
  10. 420 couple

    I love Martians

    Now there at 50 inches looking hot dam!! Getting smelly the Martians look like a christmas tree.. there a unique strain.
  11. 420 couple

    Side branches

    How many side branches for a good healthy yield without popcorn? Single kola MMG flowering for 2 weeks and its 4 feet tall... I hope theres room in the tent for .
  12. 420 couple

    I'm in a terrible girl situation

    Dump her the Jerry Springer Show. Classic
  13. 420 couple

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    Turkey and all the trimmings topped off with a silk chocolate pie. Happy Easter:bigjoint:
  14. 420 couple

    what kind of plants do i have?

    Looks like a pot plant to me baby it and it will reward you.
  15. 420 couple

    Baseball is here.

    Go Blue Jays!!!!! They rock.
  16. 420 couple

    I love Martians

    Can anyone see this posting or no one like Martians???? Been having trouble loading page up.
  17. 420 couple

    I love Martians

    Counted 35 side branches is that to many... lol. At the end of second week of flowering. Went 12/12 at 30 inches and now they stand 45 inches. Whats a good number for side branches, don't want popcorn. Growing over a 1 inches a day. Were running them in the day time at around 70 and 72-74 at night.
  18. 420 couple

    Mean Martian

    How about now???
  19. 420 couple

    Mean Martian

    Check out the mmg this girl resembles a christmas tree the leaves 8 inches long she stands at 38 inches tall. In a week since flipping to 12/12 it grew 9 inches. This is our third grow using veganics. How much taller you think that it will grow?
  20. 420 couple

    Weird high

    So what do you think about smoking salvia?? Tell us your crazy high. Hubby is definetly not ever doing it again. Stick to the good stufff..:weed: