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  1. valahru

    GUESS MY YIELD XD no really i need help...

    so after only receiving one of my orders from attitude, I got drunk. blitzkrieg smashedcrab blind rotten drunk. I then thought it would be a good idea to plant every seed I had. bagseed and all... waking up a day later and struggling with the mother of all hangovers (why u hurt me tequila...
  2. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    Finally after my first order in the first week of feb, I finally have conformation of a resend. it only took 2 months...
  3. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    I would say the same to attitude, as the correspondence I have received from them defies it (logic)
  4. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    I assure u my first 5 emails were as polite as could be, the replies I received however made no sense, and were never more than a sentence or two, e.g Hi there, we will only reship an order after 21 working days, Hi there, please confirm name and delivery address, I got about 10 of these before...
  5. valahru

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    Beware the tude man, I have 2 orders with them, both with guaranteed shipping and they are yet to turn up. Sent countless emails but they just ignore me now. cannot even get confirmation on a resend. spent $300 and nothing. not even a reply. They don't care once they have your money. Been trying...
  6. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    In hindsight I should have, will definitely give them a try. Still no reply from the tude, my second order is coming up on the 21 days now I think its safe to say that they have my money and just don't give a f*&% :cuss:
  7. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    i was really looking foward to my white russian :cry:
  8. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    Will have to try that ^^ I still can't believe that in this day and age that someone would see dope seeds as a threat. Sent the tude many emails offering to pay extra on top of the repack and hemp bag to get some far out shinobi-style stealth and no reply. The least they could do is send an...
  9. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    *good things.....brain is mushed right now... :-?
  10. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    Indeed I was going to go with herbies though I was taken in after some research on rare dankness's white Russian. attitude is the only place that sells it apparently. would pay double for it so long as it gets here. told attitude that but not reply... I will indeed look into herbies sir as I...
  11. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    k first of all I'm 2nd year law and second I am not bashing attitude because customs "nabbed my shit" I am angry with attitude because they are not communicating with me. Perhaps you sir, are the douche.
  12. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    Its really annoying jesus h fking Christ I have 2 1500 word essays due tomorrow and all I can think about is the $300 spent on my seeds that don't exist. Not happy attitude :cuss:
  13. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    I was as polite as could be, considering the circumstances. Still no reply yet. No conformation of a re-send, nothing. I am afraid to call, truly, as I know that I will lose my shit and end up having my phone number and attitude account barred because of my verbal abuse. This is not how you run...
  14. valahru

    ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

    Ok, first I wish to point out that I am in Brisbane Australia, keep that in mind. I am well aware that customs are tight, and even more aware of the thieving mongoloids who make up the majority of Australia Post. My grief is that I seem to be getting a very "pfffft we don't really give a f@#$"...