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  1. J

    sprouting seeds ?

    how deep into the rockwool do you guys plant the seed?
  2. J

    sprouting seeds ?

    ok thanks for the replys! fingers crossed
  3. J

    sprouting seeds ?

    hey guys i have a question about germinating/sprouting seeds. so i recently germinated 6 super skunk and 6 bag seeds using the paper towel method. when the seeds opened i put them start into wet rockwool and watered twice/three times a day. when the germinated seeds penetrated the surface of the...
  4. J


    ok cool thanks, i was hoping to start with one 400w and as i get a bit more experienced possibly move to two 400w or two 430w. if i were to use one 400w for now would you recommend closing in the space to say 4ft by 4ft to get the most out of the light? or would the difference be minimal? thanks
  5. J


    hey guys, i have a walk in robe 5ft by 6ft and was wondering what would be better lighting for flowering... one 600 watt hps OR 2 430 watt hps ?
  6. J

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    bump, to the top.:neutral:
  7. J

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    hey guys, new to this and was wondering what some of you thought about getting seeds sent to a PO box with a fake name? thanks.