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  1. M

    Mike's Loft Build 2012

    This is genuine fantastic use of available space. Consider me subscribed :)
  2. M

    First grow, Nirvana - Master Kush. Please Help a Noob.

    Hey, ty for the answer.. Ive learned in the mean time that it very posible for first time growers to over nute and to beware of that.. :p Ive also read that it is important to let the plant 'sleep' Something that get produce only when the plant 'sleep' To be safe.. will it not be better to run...
  3. M

    First grow, Nirvana - Master Kush. Please Help a Noob.

    Greetings from sunny South Africa, My first seeds from The Attitude is on its way and Im preparing my small outside room, hoping to turn it, on a minimum budget, into a functional (Successful!) grow room. Many moons back I build a egg incubator. looks ruff, but was fully working.. Here is a...