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  1. L

    veg time in solo cups??

    How long do you normally veg in "solo cups" before you replant to normal pots? Clones that is.
  2. L

    Best Nirvana Strain?

    I loved the AK48 & Chrystal! Good yeilders, good high, sweet bag appeal and they make me some $$. People talk sh!t about Nirvana but I have never been anything but happy.
  3. L

    How 2 water/fertilize my clones in lil red solo cups??

    This is my 2nd grow. My first grow I grew pretty well. I was pleased with the quality and yield. I also grew these from seeds. I am attempting my 2nd grow now but instead of seeds, I bought some clones. How often should I water/fertilize these clones that are placed in little red solo cups? Your...
  4. L

    Having Issues! Germ'd seeds to rockwool to soil!

    I do mine the way you do yours in the first post with no issues.
  5. L

    Creating $50,000 strain

    You think this guy is a fukn pig?
  6. L

    Constant Algae In New DWC ... Advice?

    I haven't but now that you say that, I remember reading that somewhere. I guess i should just google how much hydrogen peroxide to add per gallon of water for DWC, ya think?
  7. L

    Constant Algae In New DWC ... Advice?

    ^ bump By the pics, can I conceal light anymore other than spray painting the tub?
  8. L

    Constant Algae In New DWC ... Advice?

    Oh, & here are pics of the 3 plants in. One looks like it's leaves have turned brown died and broken off. Poor thing looks terrible. The other two may survive if I can get this algae under control. If I can't I might just chunk all the shit!
  9. L

    Constant Algae In New DWC ... Advice?

    Hey guys. I have an 18 gallon DWC with 3 air stones, T5 CFL ballast over it, top completely covered in foil. These seedlings have been in for about a week. My ph stays pretty constant until the algae comes. I know when I can't keep the ph down, algae is in full effect and I do a res change and...